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March 2009 - Issue 4

Pioneerthinking.com Newsletter - March 2009 - Issue 4


"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." ~ Doug Larson
Hi Friends,

I hope that you have had a great week. The snow has just about disappeared from my front lawn, which I must admit makes me quite happy. I love to see the spring flowers making their grand entrance around the city, little bits of color always helps me forget about the cold winter. Now that spring is here, it's almost time to get into gardening mode. This week's article, "Gardening on a Dime", will give you some great ideas to get your garden started. If you can, try to plant some bee friendly flowers in your garden, such as sunflowers or geraniums, so we can help support the honey industry. Did you know that honey can be used as a natural alternative to lessen allergies? In the article "Local Honey and Allergies Revisted", you will learn why honey is the way to go. In this issue we will also learn more about our water supply, and how safe it really is. And lastly, we have the great pleasure to share Carrie Gamble's 100 year old family recipes, Hungarian Peasant Meal and Oatmeal Cookies, truly it is a treat. Hope you all have a beautiful week,

Until next time..

Tammy Pilon

Editor - Pioneerthinking.com

In this issue...
  • How Safe is Your Water Supply?
  • Home Remedies to Whiten Your Teeth
  • Gardening on a Dime
  • Local Honey and Allergies, Revisited
  • My Grandmother ~ Born 100 Years Ago!
  • Recipe Box: Roasted Portobello Po' Boy
  • Recipe Box: Herbed Rice with Mushrooms and Wilted Spinach
  • Readers Tips: Another Use for Vinegar
How Safe is Your Water Supply?
Recently, a popular Internet news site published an editorial article about the safety of the public water supply. The authors concluded that the water was probably not extremely dangerous. Despite this, however, their investigation about the chemicals and additives found in city and town water supplies gave me second thoughts about pouring that next glass of tap water.  read more

Home Remedies to Whiten Your Teeth
Do you want to get your teeth whitened but you are wary about the effect the bleaching would have on your teeth? Not to worry. Why not try some home remedies.  read more

Gardening on a Dime
Growing your own plants can not only save you lots of money on your grocery bill, but a nice landscape can improve the value of your home. If you're creative, you can have a great garden with very little cost. Here are some of my favorite tips to get you started.  read more

Something Different:  Roasted Portobello Po' Boy

Readers Tips:

Another Use for Vinegar: by Vicki

I was reading through your article "60 uses for vinegar" and thought to add one that I did not see on the list.  I was able to remove a mole by placing a cotton soaked in apple cider vinegar directly on the mole, held in place by a bandage.  I kept it on for 12 hours then removed it for the next 12 hours.  I did this daily for about 2 weeks.  The thing slowly turned black, crusted up and fell off (I know, rather gross).  That was 3 months ago and there is no sign of it ever being there.  There have been cautions about applying apple cider vinegar directly to the skin, but I found the biggest irritation to my skin to come from the continual removal of band-aids (the adhesive), which I dealt with by applying a soothing hemp balm to surrounding skin. 
I read this remedy works for both moles and warts. 

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Readers Quotes

"A man who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
~ Albert Einstein (1879-1955) American Theoretical Physicist
Shared by Jim Dakis

 Weekly Columns

Harvey Mackay

The Staying Power of Paul Harvey

Nutrition Wise

Q: Is goat meat a healthier choice than other meats?

Q: Can I keep my jarred spices indefinitely?

Q: Are pedometers all the same, or what should someone look for before making a purchase?

Nutrition Notes

Broccoli: Why the Ups & Downs?

Direct Answers

Your Feedback

"Your newsletters are always appreciated, but March Issue 2 was excellent! Many thanks."

~ Jeannie Nesi
P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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