วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

March 2009 - Issue 1

March 2009 - Issue 1


Old Pine Furniture Tips

Dare to Care

7 Natural Hair Thinning Remedies

How to Make Pizza at Home

History in a Tea Cup

Recipe Box: Winter Tomato and Onion Salad

Recipe Box: Apple and Roasted Asparagus Salad

Readers' Natural Dye Tips: Natural Yellow Dye

Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes

Can Garlic Fight Cancer?


Direct Answers

Under a Rock

"Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it."
~ Author Unknown
Shared by: Suzie Golas
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Comment on an article:
"These Hard Economic Times" by Jill Cooper, is right on the money. No pun intended!"
~ June Winters

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"The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."  ~ Allan K. Chalmers

Old Pine Furniture Tips
Practical tips on antique pine furniture repairs and should you buy new furniture or antique furniture. [ read full story ]

Dare to Care
The life you save may be someone's future pet. [ read more ]

Recipe Box:

Winter Tomato and Onion Salad

Apple and Roasted Asparagus Salad

7 Natural Hair Thinning Remedies
If your hair is thinning and you are searching for answers you've come to the right place. This article discuss several hair thinning remedies you can try today to regrow your hair back to your satisfaction. [ read full story ]

How to Make Pizza at Home
Pizza is one of the most popular dishes around the world. It is generally a flat round bread which is oven-baked and covered with tomatoes or a tomato-based sauce and mozzarella cheese.The basic steps in pizza making are first preparing dough, then pizza sauce.  [ read full story ]

History in a Tea Cup
Did you know that your favorite afternoon pick-me-up or breakfast "cuppa" has a history that dates back thousands of years? read full story ]

Readers Natural Dye Tips
Natural Yellow Dye
By Joanna S.
Hi, your site is so helpful!
The inner pith of Sumac branches can produce a super bright yellow color. Also, the berries are both a grey and a yellowish color. I didn't not use any mordents for these, and I steeped them for about 2 days in a hot bath, but the color was great.
Thanks for the info on all the rest!

Forum Question:  Losing the One I Love - How to Go On?
Hello everyone,
I know this will probably be long but I need help, support, advice. I am so lost right now. I am going through a divorce. I have 6 children ages 16-8. I cheated on my husband, several times. Our marriage was headed nowhere. I am happy to be out of our marriage. I don't miss him at all. Maybe I should but I don't. I fell in love with the man I was having the affair with. He was married too and his divorce is already final. He has two daughters that are crushed. Their mom has told them that I am an evil person and they believe that. His ex has tried to get us apart since he was caught over a year ago. She has turned his daughters against him.
They say that they never want to meet me. They are 13 & 16.
He has met all of my children and we have been trying to get a house together. I love him more than I thought I could ever love anyone. He loves me. This I know.
He is terrified that he will never get his relationship with his girls back, if I am in his life. He has ended our relationship because of this. I am crushed. He says that he wants a life with me but he has to have his daughters in his life. I don't understand why he can't have both. I don't want it to be like this. I want him in my life. It is probably wrong, but I am full of hope that this can happen again, someday. I love him so much. I just don't know what to do right now.

Any thoughts? I have very few people to talk to and the ones that I talk to say bad things about him. He is not a bad person, just trapped in a losing battle with his ex wife and the children he loves so much. 
[ read more ]


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Peter Burkitt, Rose De Dan, Mark Hall, Candice Oneida, Manu Vikram Singh, Suzie Golas, June Winters, Joanna S., Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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