วันอังคารที่ 10 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

March 2009 - Issue 2

March 2009 - Issue 2


How to Prepare for Power Outages

20 Great Breakfast Ideas

Sinus Headaches and Natural Remedies

Are Saunas Good for Pregnancy?

Cut Flowers, Tips and Tricks to Help Them Last Longer

Recipe Box: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Lemon and Parmesan

Recipe Box: Baked Fish with Herbs

Readers' Cooking Tips: Delicous Pizza

Harvey Mackay

Truth or Consequences
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes

Cancer Rehab Gets Moving

Direct Answers

"Give me a garden and a library and I have all I need."
Shared by: Deanna Carey
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~ Bertha

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"Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets."  
  ~ Henry A. Kissinger

How to Prepare for Power Outages
Mother Nature is full of surprises, especially during the winter months when freezing temperatures, ice, snow and high winds can knock out power to your home. Not only is a power outage inconvenient, it can threaten your safety. Your power can go out without notice, so make sure you're prepared the next time you're left in the dark. [ read full story ]

20 Great Breakfast Ideas
Variety is the spice of life so don't eat the same breakfast every day. Use the following ideas to make breakfast more interesting, more appealing and healthy. [ read more ]

Recipe Box:

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Lemon and Parmesan

Baked Fish with Herbs

Sinus Headaches and Natural Remedies
It is important for people to know the risk factors, diagnosis and natural treatments for sinus headaches. This will allow them to identify the best essential oils for sinus headache aromatherapy. [ read full story ]

Are Saunas Good for Pregnancy?
Saunas are usually treated as relaxants and stress busters. Women who are accustomed to using saunas before pregnancy are not sure whether or not to continue using saunas after they find that they are pregnant. [ read full story ]

Cut Flowers, Tips and Tricks to Help Them Last Longer
How to prolong the life of a variety of cut flowers. read full story ]

Readers Cooking Tips
Delicious Pizza
by Diane Morgan
St Joseph, Mo.
Just read the article on making homemade pizza. I have a great tip that really makes the pizza even better.
I make my homemade dough, then when I am reading to assemble, I spread the dough on a pizza pan and at this point add about 2 TB. extra virgin olive oil and black pepper and garlic salt. Then I pre-bake for about 5 minutes in a hot oven that has been pre heated. Then I add the sauce and various toppings.
It's also good to use a pizza pan with the tiny holes. This makes the crust so much better. It's not so "doughy" when done.
And if you want to eat less meat on your pizza, I use zucchini. I thinly slice the zucchini and sauté in olive oil, salt and pepper, and fresh garlic. It's delicious! I also use provolone cheese instead of mozzarella. 
You can also use fresh spinach. I buy fresh organic spinach, chopped it up and add to olive oil and garlic and sauté for a few minutes and put this on pizza, it's delicious!!

Forum Question:  How to approach someone with a drinking problem?
O.K, so I didn't use the word alcoholic, but I'm worried this may be a "functional alcoholic" issue.  My mother drinks quite a bit at night--she has always had wine with dinner but it has never been an issue until the last two years.
She will drink two if not more, alcohol only cocktails, a few glasses of wine, and usually a shot or two of ammaretto before going to bed. Did I mention the woman weighs a little over 100 lbs? If it's a family gathering it's worst. [ read more ]


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David Dunkerly, David H. Urmann, Amy Nutt, Angheliu Alexandru, Deanna Carey, Bertha, Diane Morgan, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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