วันอังคารที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

Skiing.LifeTips Newsletter, Issue 295: Technical Performance Apparel

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Weekly Skiing Tipletter, Issue 295

Technical Performance Apparel

As ski and boot technology becomes more complex and sophisticated, ski apparel manufacturers have begun to apply science and technology to ski clothing. Perhaps the most interesting outcome of this research has been the development of performance ski underwear. While this sounds rather humorous, there are many skiers that swear by the effectiveness of products such as Sport Skins and CW-X.

Sport Skins were the original invention. Developed in Australia, this product works on a principle of BioAcceleration Technology, which involves compression that is applied over specific body parts. This compression triggers an accelerated blood flow, which in turn increases oxygen delivery to working muscles, thereby enhancing their performance.

These improvements in circulation also aid in the elimination of lactic acid and other metabolic wastes. According to the Sport Skins website, testing of elite athletes have proven that this technology "creates marked improvements in reducing the build-up of lactic acid immediately after periods of sustained exercise."

These body-molded compression tights are manufactured from Lycra and Meryl Microfibre. They are engineered to provide support and muscle alignment to the covered area of your body. The company has created a product for snow sports that is appropriately called Snow Skins, which are designed to improve on -slope performance "through greater muscle support and response, enhanced circulation and improved body temperature control."

Snow Skins have been designed to wrap around important muscle groups in order to focus the direction of their movements. The product has moisture wicking properties. It is embedded with an antimicrobial and antibacterial treatment that keeps it smelling fresh.

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