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April 2010 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: April 2010 - Issue #2
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking
There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.

"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million."

~ Walt Streightiff

Home Decor
Four Simple Leaf Wall Decor Ideas
Written by Alyssa Davis
Paints, oils, and watercolor are traditional media for art. Over the ages, artists have used them to create stunning pictures that captivate the mind. There is also another genre of artists that do not use traditional media. Instead, they use other nonstandard materials to make beautiful art.
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Hair Care
Homemade Recipes for Conditioners
Written by Rachel Bourne
Quick and effective recipes for homemade hair conditioners.
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Cauliflower Fra Diavolo
Recipe Box: Cauliflower Fra Diavolo

8 Quick Ways To Save Money Around The House
Written by Shelly Hill
With the state of today's economy, we are all looking for ways to save a little money. In our household, we like to save money and also help the environment by being more earth friendly. The following tips will help you to accomplish both.
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Shared Quotes:

"The world is your kaleidoscope, and the varying combinations of colors which at every succeeding moment it presents to you are the exquitely adjusted pictures of your ever moving thoughts."

~ Allen James

Shared by: Olorunfemi S.

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Tips on Crate Training a Puppy
Written by Dean Iggo
Crate training a puppy can be valuable for a number of reasons. Being able to rest calmly in his crate is a skill that will serve your puppy well down the road. At the vet, when traveling, and if your puppy is ever ill and restricted on activities are times when a crate can really help your little pooch. In addition, a crate trained puppy is easier to teach rules to as well as train in other behaviors because he already knows how to understand what you want. Here are a few tips that may help you with the process of crate training a puppy.
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Silence--The Ultimate Control and Power Over Another
Written by Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD
There are fifteen categories of verbal abuse. Verbal abuse is a violation, not a conflict. In describing verbal abuse it is a boundary violation, it is an intrusion upon another, or disregard of another in a relentless pursuit of Power Over, superiority and dominance by covert or overt means.
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Readers' Tip
Rust Remover for Bikes
Shared by Henry P.
  • Juice from 1/2 of a medium size lemon
  • 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda

Mix enough baking soda with the lemon juice to make a paste. Apply this mixture onto any rusted parts on the bike then scrub with a cloth. The rust comes off easily.

Related Topic:

Four Simple Leaf Wall Decor Ideas

Homemade Recipes for Conditioners

8 Quick Ways To Save Money Around The House

Tips on Crate Training a Puppy

Silence--The Ultimate Control and Power Over Another

Recipe Box: Cauliflower Fra Diavolo

Readers' Tips: Rust Remover for Bikes

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: Do nutritional needs change after menopause?

Q: If I keep my calories low enough, can I lose weight without exercise?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Like Father...
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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Managing Your Boss for Better or Worse
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