วันอังคารที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

April 2010 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: April 2010 - Issue #1
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking
"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air..."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Skin Care
Lemon - A Miracle for Beautiful Hair and Skin
Written by Sharon Hopkins
Even though we go out in the market to get the most appropriate beauty products for ourselves, sometimes we just have to look in our own homes for a better solution. To our very own surprise we may find it too in our own backyard.
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Natural Control of Flowering Plants' Insect Pests
Written by Crisologo Ramasasa
Ward off insects with a natural pest control solution.
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Spring Tuna Salad
Recipe Box: Spring Tuna Salad

Body Health
Having a Baby is Not Always as Easy as it Seems: What You Need to Know About Infertility

Infertility - the inability to conceive after months, and sometimes years, of trying - affects more than 7 million people in the United States. Numerous studies have shown that a woman's likelihood of conceiving declines as she ages. The good news is, women concerned about their fertility are not powerless.
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Shared Quotes:

"Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby."

~ Langston Hughes (1902-1967) American Poet

Shared by: Jim Dakis

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Feng Shui
Feng Shui Love Attraction Tips
Written by Jakob Jelling
Here are some tips for feng shui love, designed to attract the man or woman of your dreams.
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Skin Care
Cure Acne With All Natural Treatment and Remedies
Written by Don Levy
This article will give you an overview of acne causes and many natural treatments and remedies for it. Lifestyle changes for avoiding acne are discussed with information on diet and vitamin needs.
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Readers' Tip

Fog Free Mirrors

Shared by Chiefs Beg
Apply regular old shaving cream to your mirror in small amounts in a thin layer and wipe clean with a clean rag.Not only does it keep your bathroom mirrors clean they also do not fog over. My husband loves this idea.

Related Article

Lemon - A Miracle for Beautiful Hair and Skin

Natural Control of Flowering Plants' Insect Pests

Having a Baby is Not Always as Easy as it Seems: What You Need to Know About Infertility

Feng Shui Love Attraction Tips

Cure Acne With All Natural Treatment and Remedies

Recipe Box: Spring Tuna Salad

Readers' Tips: Fog Free Mirrors

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: On an upcoming cruise, how will I be able to avoid gaining the weight I've recently lost?

Q: Is it really possible to get recommended amounts of dietary fiber without supplements?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Benedict Arnold

- Public Relations

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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Be Picky About Picking Fights
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