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February 2010 - Issue 3

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Weekly Newsletter: February 2010 - Issue #3
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking

"Children are educated by what the grown-up is and not by his talk." - Carl Jung

Skin Care
All Natural Homemade Skin Moisturizers
Written by Denise Palmer
If you're ready to give your skin an all natural, healthy, moisturizing experience, then here's some homemade skin moisturizing recipes that will make you and your skin happy!
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Body Health
Creating Paradise Within: Better Health through Ayurvedic Rejuvenation
Written by Dr. Vaijayanti Apte
Can you remember the days when you were full of vibrant energy from sunrise to sunset? A holistic program of rejuvenation will bring back the body's natural energetic state making us feel young and energetic again.
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Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken with Three Citrus Dressing
Recipe Box: Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken with Three Citrus Dressing

Tips to Make Cookie Baking Go Smoothly
Written by Laura Kaine
Winter is a great time to be making cookies. Whether they're for your family, treats for the office or a gift, cookies of all shapes, sizes, and flavors are always a hit. If you haven't started baking yet this year, here are some tips to help make your cookie baking a success.
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Shared Quotes:

"With applied philosophy for well being, we can raise awareness, and literally change the world by example."

~ Diana Lynn Neiderhiser

Shared by: Diana

Share your favorite quote:newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Dealing With Tantrums Takes 10 Simple Steps!
Written by Laura Kaine
What can you do to keep kids entertained indoors this winter? Cook with them. Engaging kids in planning and making family meals has a host of benefits - including having someone to help with the dishes.
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Weight Loss
Weight Loss and Allergies
Written by David Cowley
Is weight loss and allergies connected? Good question. Have you ever snacked on something and then been even hungrier than before the snack? Do you get cravings for a specific food that will not go away until you satisfy that craving? If you answer yes to either of these two questions then it is a good chance you some type of food allergy. This is good news for you if you are also over weight, because there is a simple solution to your excess weight problem.
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Readers' Tip

Arthritis Pain Relief

Shared by Cynthia Lewis

A tried and true Amish remedy for Arthritis pain.

When you have achy knees because of Rheumatism, before going to bed, wrap your knees with large green cabbage leaves, tie them in place and leave on overnight. You might want to change the leaves twice over an 8 hour time period. The leaves will dry out.

Your knees should be pain free in no time!

Note: This is not guaranteed to work for everyone but has helped many people.

Related Article

All Natural Homemade Skin Moisturizers

Creating Paradise Within: Better Health through Ayurvedic Rejuvenation

Tips to Make Cookie Baking Go Smoothly

Dealing With Tantrums Takes 10 Simple Steps!

Weight Loss and Allergies

Recipe Box: Spinach Salad with Grilled Chicken with Three Citrus Dressing

Readers' Tips: Arthritis Pain Relief

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: Is red wine exempt from the recommended limits on alcohol consumption?

Q: How accurate are the listings of calories burned when using exercise equipment like treadmills and elliptical trainers?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Age Gap

- Cover Up

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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

- Never Lose Hope
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