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February 2010 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: February 2010 - Issue #2
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking
Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

"Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts."

-Oliver Wendell Holmes


A Recipe for Making Valentine's Day A Family Affair: Create Traditions of Love & Treasured Memories

Written by: Carrie J. Gamble
Give your family a gift of immeasurable value - treasured memories to last a lifetime. This article will give you a few recipes to get you started.
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How to Realign Your Lifestyle Using Eco-Principles
Written by: Shireen Qudosi
With our global emphasis on green and sustainable living, many people are actively doing their part to engage in "green acts". Whether it's recycling, toting reusable grocery bags, there are a number of ways to engage yourself in balanced living.
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Recipe Box: Acorn Squash with Beet & Apple Chutney

Ayurvedic Skin care
Benefits and Uses of Neem, Tulsi, Wheat Grass and Amla On Skin Care
Written by: Dr. John Anne

You might be surprised to know that skin is the largest organ in human body. It is a kind of sheath that separates us from the outer environment. It protects our internal organs from getting exposed to the harsh climatic condition outside. Any problem in the skin or any kind of infection to the skin can cause a threat to the internal organs.

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Shared Quotes:

"All the love that history knows, is said to be in every rose. Yet all that could be found in two, is less than what I feel for you."

~ Unknown

Shared by: Jennifer Andrews

Share your favorite quote:newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Snow and No Sled? No Problem!
Written by: Tawra Kellam

We went sledding this weekend and dad and the kids really had a great time! We used some sleds that we bought last year, but there was a time in the past when the snow caught us off guard and we didn't have anything to use as a sled.

Here are some ideas for alternatives to sleds that we have used or have seen used in case you find yourself caught without one.

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Home Decor

Surprising Color Combinations for a Young Girl's Room

Written by: Alyssa Davis
Although many people think of pink when designing a young girl's room, there are many other color options that a young girl would love. In fact, exciting color combinations could be just the thing to really add some pizzazz to the room, instead of sticking with the same old boring color schemes.
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Readers' Tip

Coconut Oil

Shared by: Esophy

When I was in Thailand, I developed a heat rash that covered my face, neck and arms. A local lady advised me to use coconut oil and voila, within a few hours, my skin stopped itching, and the rashes began to disappear. Within a few days my skin cleared completely and would only reoccur when I stopped using it.

I also recall my mother using coconut oil on my hair and skin as a child. I recently began to incorporate the use of coconut oil, in my daily life. I cook with it, I use it as a hair and skin moisturiser and have noticed some great benefits. My skin is smooth and my hair is so soft. And another added great benefit, I recently learned is that coconut oil assists in weight loss.

P.S. Better to use organic or extra virgin coconut oil which can be found in health or Indian/Caribbean food stores.

Related Article

A Recipe for Making Valentine's Day A Family Affair: Create Traditions of Love & Treasured Memories

How to Realign Your Lifestyle Using Eco-Principles

Benefits and Uses of Neem, Tulsi, Wheat Grass and Amla On Skin Care

Snow And No Sled? No Problem!

Surprising Color Combinations for a Young Girl's Room

Recipe Box: Acorn Squash with Beet & Apple Chutney

Readers' Tips: Coconut Oil

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: Does physical activity protect against catching a cold or wear down your resistance?

Q: Is kosher food more healthful than other food?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

The Source
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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Finding the "Rubies" in Your Orchard
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