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February 2010 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: February 2010 - Issue #1
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking

"Love is like the sun coming out of the clouds
and warming your soul."
Author Unknown


As the Relationship Changes, So Do the Valentine's Day Gifts


Do red roses mean more than you're willing to admit? Does the jewelry you're giving your loved one send the correct message? What is the appropriate gift to show your mother that you love her on Valentine's Day? As the holiday of love quickly approaches, many of us are trying to find the right gifts for our loved ones.
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Ten Tips for Living More Sustainably in 2010

The beginning of a new year - and a new decade - is the time many people pledge to live differently. For many, that change means living a more sustainable lifestyle. Sustainability, once only a buzz word, is now fast becoming the way to live consciously.
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Lemon Stir-fry Chicken with Chinese Noodles
Recipe Box: Lemon Stir-Fry Chicken with Chinese Noodles

Great Skin Foods
Strive for Glamour Every Day
Written by: Carrie Latt Wiatt

Beauty routines for a planned or impromptu glamorous moment don't have to require a major investment of
time or money. Consider going back to nature to help maintain a glowing appearance throughout the year.

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Shared Quotes:

"Joys are always on the way to us. They are always traveling to us through the darkness of the night. There is never a night when they are not coming."

~ Amy Carmichael

Shared by: Jim Dakis

Share your favorite quote:newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Got Kids Bored by Winter? Get Them Cooking

What can you do to keep kids entertained indoors this winter? Cook with them. Engaging kids in planning and making family meals has a host of benefits - including having someone to help with the dishes.
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Valentines Crafts- Decorative Valentines Wreath

Written by: Linda Johnson
Depending on what you have to work with, and what your preferences are, there are likely quite a few good home office options to get you well on your way to a productive new year.
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Readers' Tip

Recipe for Hair Growth


Hey I love the site here is my recipe for hair growth.
This recipe will help your hair grow *2-3 inches every month instead of the normal half inch, and the good news is all the ingredients are not expensive and you can most likely find them in your kitchen right now.

You will need;

  • a bowl
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons honey
  • 1 cup of brewed green tea
  • coral calcium, any type of vitamin
  • about 15 dandelions (organic only, not sprayed with pesticides)
  • a shower cap

First brew the green tea and set aside, then beat the eggs and mix with olive oil, add the honey but make sure to warm it first then get the dandelions and break apart over bowl and add in, then put in any crushed vitamins or calcium you may have.

Brush your hair and get all tangles out then go to the sink and pour the green tea over your hair, add the bowl of other stuff and put on shower cap leave it like that for 15 minutes to an hour, more time works better. Then hop in the shower, shampoo and condition as usual.

The reason this will make your hair grow is first of all the green tea contains ingredients that will cleanse the hair, the honey contains ingredients that will make your hair stronger, the eggs contain vitamins and also helps the blood flow to your hair which helps growth, and the most important ingredient are the dandelions that contain super concentrated oils that help hair to grow. I hope you like the recipe as much as I do.

* May help some grow their hair faster than others.
Related Article

As the Relationship Changes, So Do the Valentine's Day Gifts

Ten Tips for Living More Sustainably in 2010

Strive for Glamour Every Day

Got Kids Bored by Winter? Get Them Cooking

Decorative Valentines Wreath

Recipe Box: Lemon Stir-Fry Chicken with Chinese Noodles

Readers' Tips: Recipe for Hair Growth

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: How much weight does an overweight person have to lose in order to achieve any health benefit?

Q: What's the nutritional difference between tomato sauce and those jars labeled "pasta sauce" or "spaghetti sauce"? It seems like the jarred sauces are quite a bit higher in calories.

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Whose Children?

- Clear Conscience

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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

-Why do we fail? And how do we fix it?
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