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September 2009 - Issue 3

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September 2009 Issue #3


"Gardening imparts an organic perspective on the passage of time."
~ William Cowper

Do more than belong: participate
Eco-Friendly and Money-Saving Cleaning Tips

For many cleaning jobs you need to look no further than your kitchen cupboards. If you've got a $1 box of baking soda, a $2 bottle of vinegar and a lemon, you've got what you need to clean most of your house. READ MORE >>

Simplify Your Budget

I was just watching a show on budgeting. I had to chuckle when watching it because the woman on the show was going into great detail about making charts, tracking your spending and savings and lots more. Even I, who have a good grip on my spending, was getting overwhelmed with all the things said a person needed to do to get out of debt. I'm going to show you how to simplify your budget... READ MORE >>
 Readers Shared Quotes
"You can understand and relate to most people better if you look at them -- no matter how old or impressive they may be -- as if they are children. For most of us never really grow up or mature all that much -- we simply grow taller. O, to be sure, we laugh less and play less and wear uncomfortable disguises like adults, but beneath the costume is the child we always are, whose needs are simple, whose daily life is still best described by fairy tales."
~ Leo Rosten

Shared by: Lydia Havel

Share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Sneak Workouts Into Your Busy Fall Schedule
While Fall is often a time when more people eventually head to the gyms, there is often a period of a few weeks where workout routines get completely abandoned. Rather than punish your body for your hectic schedule, find a way to sneak a little bit of physical activity in. Try some different, fun workouts rather than the standard treadmill and gym machines. Here are a few ideas to get you started. READ MORE >>
 Recipe Box:
Asian Lemonade
Decadent Peach Crumble Studded with Blueberries
Clean, Green and Affordable Laundry
Laundry can take its toll -- on your wallet and on the environment. In fact, the average family does almost seven loads of laundry per week! All that water, detergent, and electricity or gas adds up to a lot of excess, but adding a few simple steps to your laundry routine can significantly reduce your environmental impact and save you money. READ MORE >>

Alcoholic? Quitting is Only the Beginning

People who drink to excess, where their drinking causes distress to others, are frequently caught in a web of denial and minimization. READ MORE >>
 Readers' Tips
Recipe for Facial Cleanser
Mix one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of rose oil and apply over skin in the morning and before going to bed.
Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Feel the softness and youthfulness of a blemish free skin.

Shared by: Nesa Farooqui

Share your favorite tip: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com
 In This Issue...

Eco-Friendly and Money-Saving Cleaning Tips
Simplify Your Budget

Sneak Workouts into Your Busy Fall Schedule

Clean, Green and Affordable Laundry

Alcoholic? Quitting is Only the Beginning

Recipe Box: Scots Oatcakes

Recipe Box: Thai Fried Rice with Vegetables

Readers' Tips: Facial Cleanser

Weekly Columns

 Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay

- Ask the Right Questions to Get the Best Answers

 Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes

Diabetes Prevention: Never Too Old

Nutrition Wise

Nutrition Wise

Q: I've read that asparagus can fight cancer: Is that true?

Q: I've heard that farro is a super-nutritious whole grain, but can't find it in my grocery store. Does it go by another name?

Q: I only drink beer two nights a week but can that be causing my weight gain?

Direct Answers 

Direct Answers

- Impulse Control
- Selling Herself Short
 Your Feedback

"I love your newsletters! They are often better than some of the paid subscriptions I get!
Can you add some tips for hair loss? Thank you."

~ Lorraine Vandenhoff


Soul Horoscopes

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