วันอังคารที่ 28 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

July 2009 - Issue 3


Your Guide To Pioneer Thinking - July 2009 - Issue 3

"You have one thing in common with all successful people: twenty
four hours per day. It's how you use them that makes all the
difference." ~ Author Unknown


In This Issue:

-- Play! The Sanity Saver For Tough Times
-- Celery Health Benefits
-- How to Remove Moles from a Garden without Harming the Mole
-- Food that Gives Longevity
-- Teenage Skin Care - Make a Clean Start
-- Recipe Box: Mushroom-Stuffed Poblano Peppers with Crema
-- Recipe Box: White Bean and Spinach Patties
-- Readers' Natural Dye Tips: Fava Beans


Play! The Sanity Saver For Tough Times

The opposite of work is not play. It's depression. Learn why play
is critical in order to save your sanity and your work!

Continued here...


Celery Health Benefits

No matter how you crunch it, celery comes fully loaded with health

Continued here...


Soul Horoscopes

12 zodiac signs
Five days a week, free and on video
Good Karma



How to Remove Moles from a Garden without Harming the Mole

We all know that moles can be such pests with those enormous mole
hills they leave behind and the flowers they kill by eating their
roots. Even one mole is enough to seriously devastate a garden but
we have to remember that they are only acting as nature intended by
finding themselves food and building a home. You can safely get
them out of your garden without hurting them...here's how.

Continued here...


==========SHARED QUOTES==========

Thoughts become words

Words become Actions

Actions become character

Character is everything

~ Author Unknown

Shared by: Suzie G.

Do you have a favorite quote you want to share? E-mail us:


==========HARVEY MACKAY==========

Motivation Ignition Lift Off



==========RECIPE BOX==========

Something Different:

Mushroom-Stuffed Poblano Peppers with Crema

Good Food, Good Health:

White Bean and Spinach Patties


Food that Gives Longevity

All of these health benefits can help you live a longer, healthier,
and happier life. Some super foods contain antioxidants and
phytochemicals, which work together to fight disease and promote a
long life.

Continued here...


Teenage Skin Care - Make a Clean Start

Some teenagers are so active, they don't have the time to even
consider their skin. Factor in hormonal changes, and you have a
breeding ground for a variety of different skin problems. The good
news? With a proper and simple routine, a couple of changes
(avoiding bad habits), teenagers can achieve clear and radiant skin.



==========NUTRITION WISE==========

Q: How can I meet calcium needs on a plant-based diet?

Q: How do crab and clams rate as healthy seafood choices?

Q: Are all types of grapefruit juice equally effective at promoting
weight loss?



==========NUTRITION NOTES==========

Dressing Your Salad



==========DIRECT ANSWERS==========

Relationship experts, authors and columnists Wayne and Tamara
Mitchell offer up common sense advice about life and relationships.

- Blindside

- Young Spaniards



========= Readers' Natural Dye Tips ========

Fava Beans

Hi you all!

I have been cooking fresh, shelled, FAVA BEANS for the last 2 years
and notices the color of the water afterward from about 1 1/2 cups
of shelled beans only. It seems, the bigger the beans, the
stronger the color. I concentrated the water to about 1 1/2 cups.
I dyed a cotton rag (bandana size), which I like, kind of raspberry.

Shared by: Ellen H.

Share Your Tip >>
email: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Plants for Natural Dyes

Craft Forum


========== FEEDBACK ==========

"This newsletter is really helpful to me. I will be reading through
the past issues that I missed for more tips."

~ Joan Hartmann



Eileen McDargh, Cristi Ion, Ondrej Enek, Farra, Cathy York,
Suzie G., Ellen H., Joan Hartmann, Christopher Witecki,
Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your
feedback to: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

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As always, feel free to pass this newsletter on to family and
friends. May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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