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July 2009 - Issue 2


Your Guide To Pioneer Thinking - July 2009 - Issue 2

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some
other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the
change that we seek." ~ Barack Obama


In This Issue:

-- How to Clean Delicate Stuffed Animals
-- Jewelry Making Ideas
-- Flavorful, Budget-friendly Fun Foods
-- Rust On Your Cement
-- How to Plan the Perfect Honeymoon
-- Recipe Box: Summer Tomato-Rice Casserole
-- Recipe Box: Quinoa with Mushrooms and Squash
-- Readers'Tips: Money Saving Tips


How to Clean Delicate Stuffed Animals

Your children may love their plush toys, but every time they hug
them all you can see is the dirt and germs being spread from their
favorite toy. You know it's time these stuffed animals get
freshened up, but how do you do it without destroying your child's
favorite toy? Luckily, this isn't as big as an undertaking as you
think! With careful attention to any labels on the plush animals,
and a calm perusal of what the toy is made out of, you can clean
anyone's stuffed animal without ruining it for good!

Continued here...


Jewelry Making Ideas

Before you can start creating your own jewelry, you need to know
the basics and get some idea of what you want to make. What will
you need to get started without breaking the bank?

Continued here...


Soul Horoscopes

12 zodiac signs
Five days a week, free and on video
Good Karma



Flavorful, Budget-friendly Fun Foods

Besides eating healthy, you want to provide a variety of food
choices to keep mealtimes interesting and flavorful. Here are three
items you can add to your grocery list.

Continued here...


==========SHARED QUOTES==========

"What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?"
~ Anonymous

Shared by: Kerry S. Sanders

Do you have a favorite quote you want to share? E-mail us:


==========HARVEY MACKAY==========

The Lifetime Job Search



==========RECIPE BOX==========

Something Different:
Summer Tomato-Rice Casserole

Good Food, Good Health:
Quinoa with Mushrooms and Squash


Rust On Your Cement

The best rust removal techniques and tips.

Continued here...


How to Plan the Perfect Honeymoon

The date is set, the dress is bought and the tuxes are rented --
now you get to plan your first vacation together as husband and
wife. Whether your ideal honeymoon is traveling to the Swiss Alps
for some mountain fun or relaxing on an exotic beach in the
Caribbean, it's a special time you'll never forget. So what do you
need to know to plan the perfect honeymoon that goes off without a



==========NUTRITION WISE==========

Q: The sweet flavor of popular chai drinks makes me wonder, are
they high-calorie?

Q: Is "other carbohydrate" listed on food labels something I'm
supposed to get more of or limit?

Q: Where can I find a list of the fruits and vegetables highest in



==========NUTRITION NOTES==========

Vitamin D Levels Dropping; Is Sun the Answer?



==========DIRECT ANSWERS==========

Relationship experts, authors and columnists Wayne and Tamara
Mitchell offer up common sense advice about life and relationships.

- No Dogs Allowed

- Bad Company



========= READERS MONEY SAVING TIPS=========

Money Saving Tips

-- S.O.S pads rust so quickly and get thrown out after one or two
uses. I cut each pad in two and make my box go twice as far.

-- I had 7 teens in my home(fostering) and was going through shampoo
like it was water, so I diluted it with water. The kids washed their
hair every day and did not require full strength product to keep it

-- I also served soup as a first course before meals to take the
edge off their appetites and found that it saved on how much I had
to prepare.

-- Cleaning supplies can add a lot to the grocery bill. Cutting them
out, or all but the basics, and using vinegar, baking soda, and
home made products really saves.

-- Older folks often have fruit trees in their yards, but are
unable to pick them. Offer to pick the trees for them for a share
of the bounty. I fill my freezer or can or dehydrate the fruit and
always have cherries, plums, apricots, pears, and apples as well as
homemade raisins and prunes.

I also put up my own salsa, tomatoes, tomato sauce, b.b.q. sauce,
jams, jellies, and put away as much of the garden produce as I can
for winter.

-- Learn to sew simple things such as fitted sheets, pillowcases,
duvet bags, or do simple alterations.

-- Take the family fishing, berry picking, use the library instead
of buying books or movies, grow your own culinary herbs such as
chives, parsley, sage, oregano, marjoram, thyme and savory for

-- Group your errands together before running errands so you can
take care of more than one thing with only one car trip to save gas.

Shared by: Dyan L.

Share Your Tip >>
email: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Money Saving Tips

Financial Forum


========== FEEDBACK ==========

Feedback on article:
"What's Old is New for Parents Looking to Save Money"

"I couldn't agree with you more. However, there comes a point where
repainting or redoing can get carried away. At what point do we
stop manufacturing and thus lose employment because we have made
things last too long. Would it not be better to take a lot of these
items to our neighborhood thrift store; Salvation Army or Church so
that others less fortunate can gain the benefit? If we go too far
with what's old is new we start the cycle of no one manufacturing
the new goods we will eventually need! Where that point is I don't
know but it gives me pause to think that eventually I may be
putting a neighbor out of work. Personally I'd rather recycle than

~ Al in Alberta



Corina Volegna, Katie Faulkner, Drago Marx, Kerry S. Sanders, Dyan
L., Al, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your
feedback to: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

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friends. May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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