วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

July 2009 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: July 2009 Issue #1


"The only rock I know that stays steady, the only institution I know that works, is the family."
~ Lee Iacocca
Happy Birthday Pioneerthinking.com

What's Old is New for Parents Looking to Save Money

Because raising a child in tough economic times can be expensive and financially challenging, many families are looking for ways to reduce their spending without having to sacrifice their family's well-being. This has resulted in a slew of families getting creative by making old items new again. READ MORE >>

Lengthen the Life of Your Cut Flowers

In the mood to bring the bounty of the outdoors inside? The amazing colors, fragrances and textures of your flower garden can easily be brought indoors, arranged and appreciated throughout the summer and fall months. Here are a few simple steps you can use to ensure that your flowers last longer. READ MORE >>

 Readers Shared Quotes
"Life is a bunch of ups and downs, whether you are up or down, just inhale the positives and exhale all the negativity deep inside of you with every single breath you take."

Shared by: Nada Said

Share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Smooth Ways to Sneak 'Superfoods' into Your Family's Diet
With the abundance of fresh produce that accompanies the arrival of warm weather, you would think Americans' diets would be healthier in summer than at nearly any other time of year. But what good are so-called "superfoods" like blueberries, fresh ginger and even eggs if you can't get the kids (or your spouse) to eat them? READ MORE >>
 Recipe Box:
Teriyaki Shrimp Stir-fry with Pineapple and Peppers
Baked Tomato Basil Chicken Breasts
Leading Expert Says Healthful Aging Depends on Current Daily Habits
When it comes to healthful aging, a preventive approach is the key to success. By implementing some simple healthy habits today, we can achieve a healthier future. READ MORE >>

An Old Fashioned Wedding Shower

Nowadays when you are invited to a wedding or baby shower it is often held at a restaurant or catering hall. Considering the guest list this sometimes seems the best way to accommodate the crowd. Refreshments are served by employees of the establishment or perhaps cafeteria style. While all of this is convenient for the organizers, it is expensive and somewhat impersonal. That is why I recommend considering the option of an old fashioned wedding shower. READ MORE >>
 Readers Cooking Tips
Cooking Tip: Marbles in the Pot
Great grandma did this, and it's still good:
Keep a few marbles in the bottom of your double broiler. They'll bang away when the water gets low abd attracts your attention! :)

Shared by: Cynthia Lewis

Share your favorite tip: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

 In This Issue...

What's Old is New for Parents Looking to Save Money

Lengthen the Life of Your Cut Flowers

Smooth Ways to Sneak 'Superfoods' into Your Family's Diet

Leading Expert Says Healthful Aging Depends on Current Daily Habits

An Old Fashioned Wedding Shower

Recipe Box: Teriyaki Shrimp Stir-fry with Pineapple and Peppers

Recipe Box: Baked Tomato Basil Chicken Breasts

Readers' Cooking Tips: Marbles in The Pot

Weekly Columns
 Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay

- Beat Rejection Before It Beats You

 Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes

Medical Center Diets that Aren't

Nutrition Wise

Nutrition Wise

Q: I love Buffalo-style chicken wings. How bad are they for me?

Q: What is it about agave nectar that is supposed to make it such a good sweetner?

Q: I've heard that in the places around the world where people live healthfully to old age, goat's milk is consumed rather than cow's milk. Is it a healthier choice?

Direct Answers 

Direct Answers

- Internal Investigation

- The Wrong Foot

 Your Feedback

"Hello, I just wanted to say this issue of Pioneer Thinking (June 2009 - Issue 4) was the best I've read in a long time! Thank you!"

~ Rachel P.


Soul Horoscopes

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