วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

February 2009 - Issue 4

February 2009 - Issue 4

These Hard Economic Times

The New Era of Responsibility

New Day, New Jet: How to Face Each Day With Courage and Fly to Your Highest Potential

Easy, Green Home Decorating Projects

Stroke: Save Yourself by Knowing the Five Signs and Acting Quickly

Recipe Box: Braised Meatballs and Cabbage

Recipe Box: Honey & Nut Muffins

Readers' Gardening Tips: A Few Tips to Make Your Gardening Time Better

Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers


"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits."
~ Richard M. Nixon
Shared by: Jim Dakis
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"I love being a part of the Pioneer family. Thanks for including me!"

~ Jill Hagner/ Montague, MI

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"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some
other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the
change that we seek." ~ Barack Obama

These Hard Economic Times

I keep asking myself, "Has the world gone crazy?" What are people talking about when they say "these hard economic times?" I am so confused because I hear so many people say these are such hard economic times but, at the same time, what I see happening with my own eyes and hearing with my ears is a totally different story. Let me give you some examples what I mean. [ read full story ]

The New Era of Responsibility
I have been to the Promised Land..... Such an amazing phrase stated by Dr. Martin Luther King years ago in articulating his grand dream.  I can echo that phrase after attending the presidential inauguration in January - an inauguration that was more about the people than some might think.  [ read more ]

Recipe Box:

Braised Meatballs and Cabbage

Honey & Nut Muffins

New Day, New Jet

How to face each day with courage and fly to your highest potential. [ read full story ]

Easy, Green Home Decorating Projects
"Going green" has gone beyond recycling cans and eating organic food. Americans are embracing the environmental and cost benefits of repurposing old items they might once have thrown away. Here are a few ideas for easy, green decorating projects.  read full story ]

Stroke: Save Yourself by Knowing the Five Signs and Acting Quickly
When a stroke strikes, every minute counts in saving the person's life. Speedy treatment depends on the person afflicted or someone near them recognizing the five signs that a stroke is occurring and getting emergency help fast.  [ read full story ]

Readers Gardening Tips
A Few Tips to Make Your Gardening Time Better
by Cynthia Lewis
-- Add a teaspoon of sugar to a little soap to wash off stains on your hands from gardening.
-- When you are out in the garden and happened to get stung by a bee, apply a slice of onion to the sting, it will stop the pain.
-- Paint all of your garden tool handles a bright color. If you lend them out you will be able to recognize them and get them back. :)
-- Always clean your garden tools after each use, this will help prevent disease on your plants. A wipe down with 10% bleach & water will do the job.

Forum Question:  Abandoning Religion

I am still quite young, but I knew that my religion was not for me. I had been forced to attend sporadically since birth, but it was quite strict. It is called the Old Apolostic Lutheran Church. It was strict. No TV. No makeup. Nothing. You were allowed to read. No music. It was suggested that you not play sports or do anything with people from the "world"-aka, people who did not go to church.

Yet people who go there are such zealots and love it! Either way, my question, I suppose is, I still do believe in God, of some sort, and being spirtual is a part of me (though very private). But I have yet to feel as though I should attend another church. Do you suppose that I will at some point or do you think that I'll continue just being spirtual on my own?

It's confusing for me, but I suppose I don't worry about it too much. 
[ read more ]


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Jill Cooper, Judith Richardson, Waldo Waldman, Jim Dakis, Jill Hagner, Cynthia Lewis, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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