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February 2009 - Issue 1

February 2009 - Issue 1

Budget-friendly Tips for Feeding a Family
Simple Food Substitutions to Lose Weight
How to Be Happy at Work

Homemade Facial Masks for Instant Natural Glow

Tips for Gorgeous Hair That Won't Cost a Dime!

Recipe Box: Three Bean Soup

Recipe Box: Southwest Turkey Soup

Readers' Food Tips: Egg Substitute

Harvey Mackay
Nutrition Wise

Q: Is it true that fish are a good source of vitamin D?

Q: I love broccoli cheese soup, but is it a nutritional no-no?

Q: What are some recommended ways to cope with "morning sickness" during pregnancy?

Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers

A Common Gold Digger

"Little deeds of kindness, little words of love, help to make earth happy like the heaven above."

~ Julia Fletcher Carney

Shared by: Henri Manners
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"Thanks for the great tips!"
~ Jordan E.
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."  
~ Seneca

Budget-friendly Tips for Feeding a Family
Think it's tough managing your grocery budget and making the most of family mealtime? Meet Kathryn Sansone, a St. Louis mother of 10 who, along with her husband, puts dinner on the table six nights a week. If anyone knows the value of stretching the dinner table dollar, it's the woman who sets a table for 12 almost every night of the week. [ read full story ]

Simple Food Substitutions to Lose Weight
Are you planning to lose your weight? Do you feel that it is a scary task? Well do not fear as it is not as bad as it may seem. Some of the weight loss techniques may require that you adopt substantial changes in your lifestyle. The most important change has to be taken with regards to your calorie intake. This article tells you how you can use simple food substitutes to lose weight. [ read full story ]

Recipe Box:

Three Bean Soup

Southwest Turkey Soup

How to Be Happy at Work
What if someone told you that you could be totally happy at work? You would probably find it hard to believe. You're not the only one. Tens of thousands of people are unhappy at their job every day. From accountants to interior designers, they all wish they were somewhere else. What if I told you there were ways to ensure you are happy at work? Would you do them? Let's find out.  [ read full story ]

Homemade Facial Masks for Instant Natural Glow
It is often seen that skin care products we purchase from the market results in lots of side effects. So it is always better to use either homemade beauty recipes or herbal products for skin care. Facial masks offer the best protection in fighting against skin disorders. read full story ] (recipes included)

Tips for Gorgeous Hair That Won't Cost a Dime!

Every woman wants beautiful hair - whether her hair be long, short or in between. And, it's not just about some glitzy shampoo that a sexy model advertises on TV!  So, what can we do for gorgeous hair?  [ read full story ] (recipes included)

Readers' Food Tips:

Egg Substitute
by Alexa Smith
A really good egg substitute for eggs is milled flax seed. 
1 Tbsp milled flax seed and 3 Tbsp water = 1 egg. 
Light, fluffy cakes!

Forum Question: Anyone recycling?
Does anyone have any recycling ideas they worked on or are working on? I've been recycling a few things and I find it very enjoyable. I would love to hear your ideas. [ read more ]

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Judith Dezso, Diego Norte, Nick Mutt, Dee Braun, Alexa Smith, Henri Manners, Jordan E, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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