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February 2009 - Issue 2

February 2009 - Issue 2


Valentine's Day Romance Tips for all Relationships

Travel Back In Time: Create Simple Bath Products the Way Your Grandmother Probably Did

Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks - Is it Safe?

Make Your Face Look Younger In Five Minutes - Natural Anti Aging

A Greener Front Walk

Recipe Box: Toasted Tomato and Goat Cheese Tartlets

Recipe Box: Portobello & Broccoli Stir Fry

Readers' Cooking Tips: Rising Dough

Nutrition Wise
Direct Answers

Career Choice

"We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end."

~ Benjamin Disraeli
Shared by: Joan Hamel
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"I alway look forward to reading Pioneer Thinking newsletter each week. I get the best advice from you..thank you!"

~ Patricia Marshall

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"This world is full of beauty, as other worlds above, and if we did our duty, it might be as full of love" ~ Gerald Massey

Valentine's Day Romance Tips for all Relationships
Valentine's Day is the most romantic day of the year, but it can also be one of the most challenging. If you are a new couple, how do you express your feelings without going overboard? If you are an established couple with work and family responsibilities, where can you find the time to arrange a romantic evening? Here are some suggestions. [ read full story ]

Travel Back In Time: Create Simple Bath Products the Way Your Grandmother Probably Did
Make these easy, yet luxurious, bath products the old-fashioned way, and you'll have some wonderful gifts any time of the year! [ read more ]

Recipe Box:

Toasted Tomato and Goat Cheese Tartlets

Portobello & Broccoli Stir Fry

Laser Treatment For Stretch Marks - Is it Safe?
Experts have discovered that stretch marks come as the result of the interruption in the quality of the dermis which is the inner layer of the skin. When there is not enough elastin and collagen produced underneath the skin, its elasticity and moisture are also affected. Thus, small and indented linear blemishes appear. People who have been through a period of pregnancy, fast weight gain or weight loss, and the growth encountered during puberty can nowadays avail of the laser removal of stretch marks. [ read full story ]

Make Your Face Look Younger In Five Minutes - Natural Anti Aging
Make your face look younger and get rid of the telltale signs of aging. Smooth out wrinkles on your forehead and fill in hollows the under your eyes, by using this clever natural anti aging technique. It doesn't matter whether you're in your 30's or in your 60's. You can recapture lost muscle tone, regain your youthful looks and infuse your complexion with natural beauty.  read full story ]

A Greener Front Walk
We recently built a contemporary farmhouse style home. There was no lawn sod or sprinkler system for extra water. Deer are rampant in the neighborhood, so the landscaping choices are limited. We have dry periods too. Lady Bird Johnson once said, "I like it when the land speaks its own language in its own regional accent." We intended to follow her lead.  [ read full story ]

Readers Cooking Tips
Rising Dough
By Diane Morgan, St Joseph Mo
If your home is too cold (in the winter months) and you're waiting for dough to rise, I put the bowl (with the dough) on a heating pad to rise. Just make sure to turn the heating pad off for safety!

Forum Question:  Smelly Carpet

I have a long shag carpet (wool and viscose) that my dog vomited on.  I cleaned it but it now smells almost like a mildewy smell but worse.  My whole family room smells like it. I thought it was just the wet wool smell, but it has been a couple of days and the rug is dry, but it still smells!!!  Help!!! Does anyone know how to get that horrible smell out?   [ read more ]


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Suzanne Lieurance, Kelly Purden, Elaine Woosey, Roselind Hejl, Joan Hamel, Patricia Marshall, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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