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November 2008 - Issue 3

November 2008 - Issue 3


Newlywed Boundaries: Holidays and Children

Oil of Oregano and Infections

Serve Up a Hearty Gratitude Soup This Thanksgiving
The Nature of Soul

Save Money on Your Home Energy Costs this Winter 

Recipe Box: Celery Victor

Recipe Box: Apricot Almond Chicken

Home Cleaning: Ceramics & Refrigerator Cleaning as well as Other Items

Harvey Mackay

Giving Thanks for Heroes
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers

Where There's Smoke

Skin Deep

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because the people who mind don't matter, and the people who matter don't mind."
~ Dr. Suess 
Shared by: Deborah Fagan
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"The forum
comment about "Old Time Telephone Memories" has brought me back to the days of my youth when life was simple. Thank you for sending me
back to my roots and for the life enhancing newsletters you give us."

~ Michael Sharpe

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"Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love." ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Newlywed Boundaries: Holidays and Children
With holidays just around the corner, many newlyweds will be struggling with not only whose parents to visit first, but should they even visit at all. [ read full story ]

Oil of Oregano and Infections

I'd like to share with you a healing substance that can improve your life and the life of your friends in an extraordinary way. It's a versatile "herbal medicine" that truly merits the name "a medicine chest in a bottle". Whether you are traveling, at home or at your job, when you need first aid, pain relief, or natural anitibiotic action, this one product can truly "do it all". 
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Recipe Box:

Celery Victor

Apricot Almond Chicken

Serve Up a Hearty Gratitude Soup This Thanksgiving
A French Proverb says that, "Gratitude is the heart's memory." And I think that's true. It is a grateful heart that stores wonderful recollections of loved ones, warm remembrances of friends, and pleasant reflections of strangers who have somehow indelibly touched our lives. [ read full story ]

The Nature of Soul

How can we return to our natural state of being? How can we call our soul back and gain a sense of spiritual well-being? The following are ways we can return to the wholeness and healing we seek as spiritual beings... read full story ]

Save Money on Your Home Energy Costs this Winter
Approximately 40% of winter home energy bills involves heating.  Here are some simple tips for cutting back on your home energy costs this winter... [ read full story ]


Ceramics & Refrigerator Cleaning as well as Other Items

by Sharon Dover Romanek
One thing I have found that works well to clean ceramics you are nervous about hand cleaning is the foaming type bathroom cleaner. The type that is like "scrubbing bubbles". I use a generic brand. Place the ceramic item on newspapers, old towels or paper towels and spray liberally. Let sit for a few minutes and then rinse with hot water. The dirt washes off and there is no scrubbing necessary. I recently did this with a textured white angel ceramic which would have had to be scrubbed with a brush of some sort which really concerned me. It was quite fragile. It was dirt and dust stained and tobacco stained. It cleaned up wonderfully and was snow white and clean again.
I have used the foaming type bathroom cleaner on both the exterior and interior of my refrigerator to clean with. Spray down and wipe off the dirt. I have a textured refrigerator that can be hard to clean because of the grooves. Also works well on smooth surfaces. Works great on most any surface other than wood items as well! I use it on my microwave, counter tops, bathroom fixtures, stove top, and almost everything. Rinse well.
To clean a microwave that is heavily soiled, place a cup of water in the microwave and heat on high for a minute or two and let it sit for at least 5 minutes. BE CAREFUL WHEN REMOVING THE WATER. IT IS VERY HOT. Then simply wipe off most spills with a damp cloth or sponge.

Forum Question:  How to Clean an Old Mirror

Anyone know the best easy way to clean an old mirror which makes the old mirror clean like new one? please help. [ read more ]


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Gary Direnfeld, Pieternel Van Giersbergen, Mary Jo Shaffer, Sam Oliver, Deborah Fagan, Michael Sharpe, Sharon Dover Romanek, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your feedback to:  

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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