วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

December 2008 - Issue 1

December 2008 - Issue 1


Winter Skin Care Survival Guide

Natural Remedies for Athlete's Foot

Maximizing Your Creativity by Defining Left and Right Brain Functions
Grocery Shopping List Power -- Step 1 In Saving Grocery Money

How to Make Stylish Christmas Candles From Scratch Fast and Easy!

Recipe Box: Winter Squash and Sweet Pepper Soup

Recipe Box: Viennese Turkey

Readers' Beauty Secrets: Help for Mild Skin Conditions

Harvey Mackay

Telegraphing Feedback: The Stuff of Yesteryear
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes

Antioxidants during Cancer Treatment?
Direct Answers

On the Road Again

Pants on Fire

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
~ Mother Theresa

Shared by: Suzie Golas
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"This is fantastic! Love the many ideas (that some of us never think of). Thanks so much."

~ Vivian Brown

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"Character is a diamond that scratches every other stone."
~ Cyrus A. Bartol

Winter Skin Care Survival Guide

Skin care survival guide. Cold winter air is far less humid than warm air, which means skin will be drier in the winter months. Harsh winds make conditions worse by causing moisture to evaporate more quickly from the skin. According to dermatologists, indoor conditions in the winter can be just as bad for complexion. [ read full story ]

Natural Remedies for Athlete's Foot

Are your feet itching and burning. Maybe you have Athlete's Foot. Athlete's foot is an infection of the upper layers of the skin and is predominantly found on the foot. It is often seen as an dry, itching, burning, scaling redness of the feet especially in the webbing of the toes. When left unchecked, sufferers may notice that their skin peels frequently and in extreme cases there may be cracking, pain and bleeding of the skin.
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Recipe Box:

Winter Squash and Sweet Pepper Soup

Viennese Turkey

Maximizing Your Creativity by Defining Left and Right Brain Functions
Creativity and your left and right brain functions   Lets talk about how to be more productive by not only using your right brain and left brain functions correctly, but also using them in the right sequence. You might not be aware that how you separate your functions in any creative endeavor can make all the difference in how easy and enjoyable the creative experience is. The more enjoyable and relaxing the experience is, the more your mind will gravitate toward being inspired, thus more creative output as well as a more authentic personal expression.  [ read full story ]

Grocery Shopping List Power -- Step 1 In Saving Grocery Money
Whether you're a college student learning how to grocery shop for the first time, a newly married couple establishing a budget, or a mom whose family has grown and the grocery budget has developed a mind of its own, the place to start to regain control is the lowly grocery shopping list. read full story ]

How to Make Stylish Christmas Candles From Scratch Fast and Easy!
Candles are a symbol of Christmas. Here's how to make a  holiday candle stylishly without spending a penny! [ read full story ]


Help For Mild Skin Conditions
By Angie Marker

I have a tip to add for those readers suffering from eczema, psoriasis or any mild skin condition (including mild cases of acne). Make a strong pot of redbush/rooibos tea and add it to your bath. Alternatively, you can apply a cooled used rooibos teabag to the affected area and let the tea dry on the skin, no rinsing.

Rooibos has brilliant anti-inflammatory and healing properties and is starting to gain recognition world wide. It is healthier than Green Tea as it is caffeine free and very low in tannin and has more anti-oxidants than green or black tea.

Forum Question:  Underarms

Please help me...I want to whiten my underarms because it is slightly dark. Do you know how to whiten underarms?
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Roger Jirves, Dr. Rita Louise, Jason T. Ward, Colleen Langenfeld, Claire Basilona, Suzie Golas, Vivian Brown, Angie Marker, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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