วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2551

November 2008 - Issue 1

November 2008 - Issue 1


The Gratitude Wreath

Dusting Off the Old Crockery Cooker

Chakra Balancing Treatments - What They Do, Signs of Imbalance & Guidelines to Treat

Making Heavenly Vanilla Soap Using The Melt and Pour Process

How to Effectively Remove Dog Urine Odor

Cornmeal Catfish with Crisp Jalapeño Slaw 

Sicilian Cod

Cleaning Solutions: Freshen Sinks & How to Clean Brass

Harvey Mackay
Nutrition Wise
Q: Are the edible salad bowls used in taco salads a nutrition plus or minus?
Nutrition Notes

Going Gluten-Free?
Direct Answers


"Live, laugh, celebrate everything that you do great."
Shared by: Diane B.
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"Gardening with vinegar" was like a tip from the moon. and the chilli omlette - ahem  yum."

~ Susan Daniel
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"Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself."
~ Oprah Winfrey

The Gratitude Wreath
Bring a little bit of autumn indoors. Family and friends help create this wreath by sharing what they are thankful for on brightly colored leaves. Every member of the family can contribute to this beautiful wreath. This is a great, concrete, visual way to put meaning back in the holidays for children. [ read full story ]

Dusting Off the Old Crockery Cooker

If you like the experience of walking in the door and smelling dinner cooking without you slaving away in the kitchen preparing the meal, you'll love the convenience of a crockery cooker.  Take a few minutes in the morning before work or school to throw some ingredients into the pot, set it, and forget it.  When you come home at dinnertime, you'll be greeted by the heavenly aroma of an easy dinner.  What could be better than that?  [
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Recipe Box:

Cornmeal Catfish with Crisp Jalapeño Slaw

Sicilian Cod

Chakra Balancing Treatments - What They Do, Signs of Imbalance & Guidelines to Treat 
Chakra clearing and balancing is crucial to your health. Learn which chakra does what, and how to tell if it's out of whack. Then follow the simple guidelines to clear, balance and strengthen your chakras, and get them spinning in the right direction. [ read full story ]

Making Heavenly Vanilla Soap Using The Melt and Pour Process

Have you ever been to a beauty shop and smelled the aroma of absolutely gorgeous hand-made soap and thought to yourself, "I wish I could do something like this"? Well, the good news is that you can, with the right tools, know-how and imagination.read full story ]

Video: A Breath of Clean Air

The air inside your home may actually be more polluted than the air outside. Breathe easier this winter by properly ventilating your home.  A Breath of Clean Air ]

How to Effectively Remove Dog Urine Odor
Dog urine odor problems? You'll be pleased to know you don't have  to put up with obnoxious dog urine odors around your house. There are several steps you can take to quickly, easily and effectively remove dog urine odor from your carpets, floors and yard. Here's how. 
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Use equal parts table salt (mild abrasive), baking soda (kills odors) and vinegar. Clean the sink with the mixed ingredients then
rinse with boiling hot water.
Wet a cloth with warm water, scrub with a soft abrasive pad if the brass is very dirty then wipe clean with hot sauce, dab on cloth or ketchup (contains vinegar). Buff brass with a soft cloth afterwards.

Forum Comment:  Old Time Telephone Memories

"In the early sixties I got a part time job with the telephone Company in a little town in northwest Iowa. There was no dial or push button phones in this little burg. It had an old manual switchboard. I was part time "central" operator for the town of 2 to 3 hundred people including surrounding farms. All of the phones had cranks on them, wooden wall phones for the farms and black bakelite desk phones with cranks for the town people. When someone would crank one short ring I would..." [ read more ]


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Rondi Hillstrom Davis, Janell Sewall Oakes, Deborah Taylor-Hough, KG Stiles, Jennifer Christine, Sylvia Dickens, Diane B., Susan Daniel, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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