วันจันทร์ที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

October 2008 - Issue 3

October 2008 - Issue 3


Positive Thinking - 28 Ideas For Keeping Your Positive Energy Flowing

Meaningful Work: Where Do I Look?
Pest Control at the Hummingbird Feeder
Exploring the Top 10 Reasons to Homeschool

Be Creative with Halloween Decorations!

Recipe Box: Sichuan Stir-Fried Broccoli

Recipe Box: Tasty Tuna and Bean Salad

Simply Beautiful: Lemon Rose Hand Lotion (Instructions Included)

Harvey Mackay

Don't Rain on Your Brainstorm
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes

Popcorn: It Pays to Be Choosy

Direct Answers

Second Thoughts

"The greatest part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances."
~ Martha Washington

Shared by: Pathwaysnw
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"The pickled beet recipe tastes just like my Oma's. Thank you for sharing this one with us!"

~ Adeline M.

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"The secret of joy in work is contained in one word - excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." ~ Pearl S. Buck

Positive Thinking - 28 Ideas For Keeping Your Positive Energy Flowing
Now that you have started thinking more positively, here are 28 tips for keeping your positive energy flowing. It includes positive thought patterns you can adopt, questions that you can ask yourself to increase your awareness and choices you can make in your life. The more you focus on the positive, the more of it you will attract. [ read full story ]

Meaningful Work: Where Do I Look?

The career you settled for may have been "good enough" for a while but no longer is, even if it has provided you with success and security.  In this article you'll find where to look for work that's meaningful to you, and learn some practical principles for achieving it. [ read full story ]

Recipe Box:

Sichuan Stir-Fried Broccoli

Tasty Tuna and Bean Salad

Pest Control at the Hummingbird Feeder
The most common complaints I hear are about the neighborhood squirrel population. Though not predators, squirrels are devastating to a feeder and will knock down and chew up whatever they can get their paws on. As bad, or worse, in our area are the raccoons that slip right up to the house at night. [ read full story ]

Exploring the Top 10 Reasons to Homeschool

There are several reasons why families elect to homeschool. Each family that chooses to educate their children out of the setting of a traditional classroom has at least one main reason that they choose to do so. read full story ]

Video: Do I have Osteoarthritis?
People with osteoarthritis (OA), the most common type of arthritis, often experience limitations in their daily activities. The Arthritis Society has developed a list of common signs and symptoms to help identify this disease. Do I have osteoarthritis? Common signs and symptoms ]

Be Creative with Halloween Decorations!
Here are some ideas of things we did to have a whole lot of fun for very little money. You can use these same basic principles for any holiday decorating. [ read full story ]


Lemon Rose Hand Lotion
by Pioneerthinking.com

Makes ¼ cup

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons glycerine
2 tablespoons rose water
2 tablespoons distilled water
Mix ingredients and place in a pretty glass bottle. Wipe on hands daily or anytime your hands feel dry. Softens skin, smells lovely and will strengthen finger nails.

Forum Question:  Hair Care

I live in an area that has a high amount of iron in the water. This iron is turning my silver gray to dingy yellow! Any suggestions on how to remove this from my untreated hair?   [ read more ] [♥ Hair Care Forum ]


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Barbara Small, Nina Ham, Terrie Merritt, Julie Jackson, Jill Cooper, Pathwaysnw, Adeline M., Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.
Tammy Pilon

If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your feedback to:   newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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