วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2551

October 2008 - Issue 1

October 2008 - Issue 1


Optimize Your Fall Wardrobe

Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Boost Your Memory

Top Five Spices to Add Zing to Holiday Baking
What You Need to Know Before Planting Tulips

Acres of Apples, Frugal to the Core

Recipe Box: Apple Cinnamon Crostini

Recipe Box: Vegetarian Fried Rice

Preserves - Ruby Red Pickled Beets

Harvey Mackay

Take the Chill Out of Cold Calls
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers

Abuse, Part Two

"Keep smiling, it looks good on you!"

Shared by: Miss Patty
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"I wring my hand in anticipation anytime I see your newsletter, I always smile and then rush to open it like a pack of gift and it truely is a gift. You are the best thing that happened to me on the internet. Please keep it up."
~ Blessing Udoma
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"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul." ~ Moshe Dayan

Optimize Your Fall Wardrobe
Whether you are going through your closet to see what is wearable or need new fall clothes to update your look, it's
important to focus on quality, instead of quantity, when shopping for a new fall wardrobe.  [ 
read full story ]

Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Boost Your Memory

Do you ever find yourself at the grocery store struggling to remember what you came for? Are you forgetting birthdays and lunch dates? If these situations sound familiar to you, you're not alone. Forgetfulness is one of the most common complaints of those in middle age and beyond. Here are some simple tips for boosting your memory. [read full story]

Recipe Box:


Vegetarian Fried Rice

Top Five Spices to Add Zing to Holiday Baking
It's hard to imagine a festive winter holiday without the aroma of baking wafting through our homes. Certain spices -- such as allspice, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and vanilla -- claim the holidays as their own. (recipes included.)  [read full story ]

What You Need to Know Before Planting Tulips

It's a common frustration. You buy 25, 100, maybe even 300 tulip bulbs, plant them in the fall and enjoy a great display in the spring. But the following spring, all you get is a smattering of flowers and maybe a bunch of leaves. Here is what you need to know. [read full story]

Video: Cerebral Palsy: Improving Mobility

Professional NHL scout Jeff Crisp is spreading awareness of cerebral palsy. A neurological condition, cerebral palsy causes tightness in the muscles which then limits a person's mobility. Common treatments for this condition include physical therapy, oral medications, and even botox. [ Cerebral Palsy: Improving Mobility  ]

Acres of Apples, Frugal to the Core
I've always dreamed of having an apple tree in my back yard. You know the old saying, "be careful what you wish for?" Now that I actually have my own apple tree, I stand in my yard watching the apples piling up around me thinking, "Oh no -- What do I do with this mess now?!" If I could make gasoline out of apples, I could retire, but since that is not an option and my frugal mind will not allow me to waste one apple, I have had to come up with some yummier "apple disposal" methods. If you find that you have a few dozen more apples than you know what to do with, these recipes from will help settle your frugal dilemma. (recipes included.) [read full story ]


Ruby Red Pickled Beets
by Pioneerthinking.com

2 dozen beets
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 cups white vinegar
1 cup beet juice ( reserved from cooking)
1 tablespoon cinnamon
8 whole cloves
2 teaspoons salt
2 medium size white onions - sliced
Wash beets then slice off any leaves. In a large pot add the beets and cover with water. Cook on medium high for 1 hour or until the beets are tender. Slide the skins off the beets. You can also cut the skins off too, whatever is easier for you.
Slice the beets into chips, about 1/4 inch thickness. Place
in a bowl. Next, make the liquid for the beets by adding together the sugar, vinegar, cinnamon, cloves (in a tied cheesecloth, or small closed tea strainer), salt and one cup of the beet water. Bring to a boil, stir a few times. Once boiled, remove the cloves and add the beets and sliced onions. Reduce heat to simmer. Let it all soak for a few minutes. Using sterilized jars, fill with beets and hot liquid to 1/2 inch of jar top. Place lid on jar and screw top down tightly. Process the filled jars in boiling water for 30 minutes.
Place jars on a table or counter and wait for it to seal before moving it. You will know if it's sealed when you hear the lid pop. Store in a cool place.

Forum Topic:  Energy saving tips

Although I haven't jumped on the 'green' bandwagon yet, I have been trying to find ways to save my family some money by reducing energy usage. I have read article after article about how to reduce energy costs and learned that some of the best ways to do this is by simply keeping your lights off not to run your air conditioning. Easy, right? Well, I tried these things and realized all too soon that only turning on lights when it was absolutely needed caused many a accident and the lack of air conditioning in the house was making everyone cranky. So I started to research again.  [ read more ]


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Jill Cooper, Miss Patty, Blessing Udoma, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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