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June 2010 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: June 2010 - Issue # 2
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle."

~ Deepak Chopra

Body Health

Breathe Fully and Deeply and Live a Healthy Life

Written by Walter Kocken
How can we help that bad back or stiff neck? The answer lies in learning to breathe fully and deeply. Observe a small child while it sleeps. It is likely to breathe fully and deeply just like we all used to do before we took on the responsibilities of living life and introduced that dreaded six letter word STRESS into a lot of our activities.
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Home Decor
Power Up Your Office: The Feng Shui Way
Written by Lloyd Burrell
Your office doesn't have to be a boring, never-ending depressing pit zone. The Chinese Feng Shui art defines how peace and productivity play a significant role in our workplace. Feng Shui is here to show you how to use these to ignite your success.
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Recipe Box: Berry Chocolate Sundae

Grocery Budget
Food Money Saving Tips!
Written by Sarah Grainger
Follow our five tips for saving money on your food bill and there will be more on your table and more in your pocket.
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Shared Quotes:

"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on."

~ Robert Bloch

Shared by: Abrielle Torpey

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Skin Care
How to Keep Blackheads Off Your Skin
Written by Naomi Andrews
Blackheads are the small spots that malign your flawless skin! Fortunately, with an effective skin care routine combined with the right products, you can fight the appearance of blackheads and get rid of them altogether.
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Safe and Fun Outdoor Toys for Children
Written by Jessica Ackerman
The outdoors is one of the prime targets for children's toys, as they enjoy outside time but do not always remember to bring items inside. Here are some safe and fun outdoor toys for children, so you can avoid the hassle of ruined indoor-oriented toys while still allowing children to have a good time outside.
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Readers' Tip
Tea Tree Oil Remedies
Shared by Ro

I use tea tree oil for throat infections, just rub a little on outside of the neck.

For blemishes rub it on.

My dog hasn't had a flea in years, I put a few drops of tea tree oil in their shampoo, no fleas or ticks also no bug bites.

No flu since I started adding tea tree oil to all my creams, shampoos.

Tea tree kills lice, keeps lice from getting on the grandkids to start a colony.

Recently I had a headache, nothing would stop it, I put some tea tree lotion on my finger, stuck it in my nose, in 3 minutes no headache. I am not generous with it just a few drops in case of irritation and the piney smell is strong.

Related Article:
Tea Tree Oil and It's Many Uses
Share your tip

Breathe Fully and Deeply and Live a Healthy Life

Power Up Your Office: The Feng Shui Way

Food Money Saving Tips!

How to Keep Blackheads Off Your Skin

Safe and Fun Outdoor Toys for Children

Recipe Box: Berry Chocolate Sundae

Readers' Tips: Tea Tree Oil Remedies

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: Is lemonade a lower-calorie alternative to regular soda?

Q: My family loves frozen waffles. How do they rate nutritionally, compared to toast?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- What's Missing

- Rewind

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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Competition Teaches You to Outswim the Sharks
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