วันจันทร์ที่ 14 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

June 2010 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: June 2010 - Issue #1
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking

"Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance."

~ Ruth E. Renkel

How to Create a Child's Hand Print on Ceramic Tile
Written by Dy Witt
Your child's handprint on a tile is a work of art that amazes you in the years to come. How could their hands ever have been so small? This is a fun craft to do with a group of moms and their kids.
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Home Decor
Top Tips for Painting Your Home

Painting the interior of your home can be one of the most rewarding and cost-effective ways to completely transform your living space. By following a few simple tips, you'll maximize your time and efforts, while ensuring the end result will look as if you hired a costly professional.
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Recipe Box: Herbed Veggie Focaccia Bread

3 Easy Strawberry Ice Cream Recipes
Written by Kara Kelso
If you are in the mood to make ice cream with your ice cream maker, these three easy strawberry ice cream recipes can make a nice summer treat. Each are different, so you have options depending on the ingredients you have at home.
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Shared Quotes:

"Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion."

~ Thomas Hardy

Shared by: Jim Dakis

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Skin Care
Beat the Heat this Summer - 10 Sun Smart Ways to Stay Protected
Written by Naomi Andrews
As the summer season starts, it time once again to brush up your sun-safety practices and get set to beat the heat. With the continuing increase in the number of skin cancer cases, it has become extremely important to protect your skin against the negative effects of the sun.
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Body Health
Back Surgery for a Herniated Disc?
Written by Jesse Cannone
While there are some cases where back surgery may help, it truly should be considered a last resort option. Sadly one of the most successful options to consider first is also one of the least understood in the traditional medical community: muscle balance therapy.
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Readers' Tip
Easing the Pain of An Ear Infection or Ear Ache
Shared by Christine T.

Here is a remedy that has been passed down in my family for many generations.

Materials Needed:

  • 1 lavender scented candle
  • 1 medicine dropper
  • 2 small cotton balls
  • lighter/matches
  • lavender oil
  • spoon or very small saucer


Using lighter/matches, light the lavender scented candle and let burn for 1 minute. Place a small amount of lavender oil into the spoon or small saucer and hold over the flame. Do not hold oil in the flame. Heat for anywhere from 40 to 90 seconds. Use the medicine dropper to collect heated oil. Place a few drops into each ear and plug with cotton balls. Leave in for about a minute and the pain should start to fade if not disappear completely.

Well, there you have it. I hope that it helps others just as it has helped my family.

Related Article:
Oil of Oregano and Infections
Share your tip

How to Create a Child's Hand Print on Ceramic Tile

Top Tips for Painting Your Home

3 Easy Strawberry Ice Cream Recipes

Beat the Heat this Summer - 10 Sun Smart Ways to Stay Protected

Back Surgery for a Herniated Disc?

Recipe Box: Herbed Veggie Focaccia Bread

Readers' Tips: Easing the Pain of an Ear Infection or Ear Ache

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: What's with these conditions called pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes and pre-cancer? It used to be either you had the condition or you didn't.

Q: Is it true that exercising first thing in the morning burns more body fat?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Under The Influence
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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Employees Advise How to Be a Better Boss
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