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jh aerial video
Check out this footage of an aerial flight through Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. Created by Bob Woodall of Focus Productions. For more photos and videos from the Jackson Hole area go to www.focusproductions.com
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วันอังคารที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

July 2010 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: July 2010 - Issue # 1
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking
July 1st
"Happy 11th Birthday Pioneer Thinking!"
~ P.T. Staff

Home Decor
Create a Playful Kid Zone on a Budget

Nothing better sums up kids' personalities than their favorite spaces: their bedrooms or playrooms. And in today's design-conscious society, there's no limiting the ways you can create inviting, kid-friendly spaces that reflect your children's personal tastes while encouraging imaginative play and creativity.
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Rebuilding Trust
Written by Gary Direnfeld
Do you know how long or what it takes to rebuilt trust when broken? This article holds some clues...
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Recipe Box: Seared Herb Chicken & Veggies

Healthy Cooking
Sweet or Savory? With Apples, You Can Do Both

You've heard the phrase, "As American as apple pie." While apples provide the fabric for some of our most basic, familiar and comfortable foods, they can be used in more versatile ways than you might have imagined. While you can't go wrong with staples like apple pie, caramel apples and apple fritters, there's plenty more to explore in the world of cooking with apples.
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Shared Quotes:

"Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem or saying a prayer."

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1906-2001) US writer, aviator

Shared by: Jim Dakis

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Skin Care
Summer Beauty Bonanza - Great Products to Survive the Summer
Written by Naomi Andrews
As the days become brighter and longer, you need to change up your beauty routine and include more summer skin care products in your make-up bag. Here are some great ways to tweak your beauty routine.
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Home Decor
Make Life Easier With A Modern Kitchen
Written by Rob Stone
The outdoors is one of the prime targets for children's toys, as they enjoy outside time but do not always remember to bring items inside. Here are some safe and fun outdoor toys for children, so you can avoid the hassle of ruined indoor-oriented toys while still allowing children to have a good time outside.
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Readers' Tip
Shared by Megan C.

Make use of all those junk mail catalogs and magazines .... DECOUPAGE!

I get more junk mail than I shake a jar of Modge Podge at.

If you prefer to make your own matte decoupage medium...mix 2 parts glue to 1 part water. Add glitter, or a few drops of acrylic paint.

I love to cover old boxes, I made my mum a storage box for her desk out of a Saltene cracker box I cut in half and scalloped the edges.

Get messy and have some fun!

Related Article:
Frugal Scrapbooking Ideas and Paper Crafting Supplies
Share your tip

Create a Playful Kid Zone on a Budget

Rebuilding Trust

Sweet or Savory? With Apples, You Can Do Both

Summer Beauty Bonanza - Great Products to Survive the Summer

Make Life Easier With A Modern Kitchen

Recipe Box: Seared Herb Chicken & Veggies

Readers' Tips: Decoupage

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: What are some good snack choices before I do a workout or sports event?

Q: Over the winter I started including bean-based dishes in meals more often, but what can I do with beans in warm weather beyond endless bowls of three-bean salad?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Benedict Arnold
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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Don't Just Add to Your Success, Multiply It!
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Skiing.LifeTips Newsletter, Issue 304: How to Choose a Helmet

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Weekly Skiing Tipletter, Issue 304

How to Choose a Helmet

At the risk of overstating the obvious, the first step in selecting a ski helmet is to make sure that it actually is a ski helmet. A bicycling or motorcycling helmet just doesn’t cut it for skiing. Your next decision will involve your ski helmet’s construction. Let’s say that you are a recreational skier. You usually avoid the trees, and you have no interest in playing in the terrain park or half pipe. An in mold helmet construction is sufficient for your needs. When in mold helmets are constructed, the shell and a shock-absorbing foam are molded together. These helmets are lighter than injection-molded helmets.

When injection-molded ski helmets are made, the foam is molded to a separate shell, which is composed of a high-impact plastic. Thus, you are getting and extra layer of protection, which would be needed in a high impact fall or collision. However, they are somewhat heavier than in-molded ski helmets.

Next, check the ski helmet’s fit. While it should be snug, it should not be so tight as to cause a migraine headache! Shake your head from side to side. If the helmet rocks back and forth, it is too loose. Parents should resist the temptation to purchase kids helmets that are too big, with the hope that their child will grow into it. An ill-fitting ski helmet offers no protection. You will also want to make sure that there is no gap between the bottom of your helmet and the top of your goggles.

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