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January 2010 - Issue 3

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Weekly Newsletter: January 2010 - Issue #3
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking
"Walking is man's best medicine." ~ Hippocrates

"Walking is man's best medicine." ~ Hippocrates


Deliberate Intent: A Spiritual Journey with the Law of Attraction

Written by: Susan Flowers, Ph. D, MSN
We are spiritual beings having physical experiences. It takes a while to understand that every thought, negative or positive, is a creation, a prayer to the Universe (God). Depending on the degree of focus we give these thoughts, certain things become beliefs, which either manifest positive things or severely limit our lives.
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How Can I Fix My Cell Phone, I Got It Wet!

Written by: Ben Harbour
So you just dropped your phone and got it wet, don't worry, you may be able to fix it!
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Recipe Box: Greek Turkey Noodle Casserole

Baking Soda Beauty Tips
Written by: Lesley Dietschy

Many beauty products can be created in the convenience of your own home using a box of affordable baking soda and a few other ingredients. Here are ten beauty products that you can easily make using baking soda.

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Shared Quotes:

"The difference between getting somewhere and nowhere is the courage to make an early start. The fellow who sits still and just does what he is told will never be told to do bigger things." ~ Charles M. Schwab

Shared by: Paul Masseau

Share your favorite quote:newsletter@pioneerthinking.com


Using Embroidery Floss Caddies To Get Organized

Written by: Shelly Hill
Are you tired of having a bunch of little things rolling around in your drawers? If so, I have a simple storage solution for you. Take a trip out to your local craft supply store and purchase a few inexpensive embroidery floss caddies. This article will give you 10 ideas on how to use them to get organized around the house.
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How to Set up the Perfect Home Office

Written by: Shireen Qudosi
Depending on what you have to work with, and what your preferences are, there are likely quite a few good home office options to get you well on your way to a productive new year.
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Readers' Tip

Keeping Knives Sharp

Shared by: Cynthia Lewis
If you have a knife block and want to keep your knives from dulling, make sure that when you put your knives in the stand to have the blades pointing upwards in the slots rather than down. When they are pointing down the blades rub against the wood each time you remove one which steadily dulls the blades.

Related Article

Deliberate Intent: A Spiritual Journey with the Law of Attraction

How Can I Fix My Cell Phone, I Got it Wet!

Baking Soda Beauty Tips

Using Embroidery Floss Caddies to Get Organized

How to Set up the Perfect Home Office

Recipe Box: Greek Turkey Noodle Casserole

Readers' Tips: Keeping Knives Sharp

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: Is it true that people who don't eat red meat should get vitamin B-12 injections?

Q: During the winter, choosing root vegetables is a good way to save money, but do they contain many nutrients?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

Open Heart
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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Business and Football Share a Formula for Winning
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