วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

August 2009 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: August 2009 Issue #2


"Anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given."
~ Deepak Chopra

Do more than belong: participate
School Days

Need some ideas for school snacks and lunches? Here are a few that will get you started in the right direction! READ MORE >>

How to feel Happy at Work--7 Secrets of a "Thank God it's Monday" Workplace

What accounts for the difference between "Oh great, it's Monday" and "Thank God it's Monday"? It's your happiness. And, for your own emotional and mental health, you need to feel happy at work. It all boils down to seven habits that can change everything about the culture of your workplace.  READ MORE >>

 Readers Shared Quotes
Because of painful arthritis, I find housecleaning quite a chore; so I  refer to my Mother's quote quite often while performing household chores:  "Give it a lick and a promise!"

Shared by: Helen Schroeder

Share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

How to Boost Your Charisma
Here are 4 top methods to help boost your charisma. READ MORE >>
 Recipe Box:
Summer Tomato Bruschetta
St.Tropez Ratatouille
Why Investing in Gold Coins Now Will Help You Retire secure
If you having been wanting to add gold to your investment portfolio and want to know more about gold coins then please consider my 7 reasons why you should invest in gold coins now. READ MORE >>

Rolfing Therapy: A Way to Align the Body and Relieve Pain

If you suffer muscle or skeletal pain and have tried traditional massage, why not go one step farther and give Rolfing a try. Its a deeper therapy that may be the answer you are seeking. READ MORE >>
 Readers' Tips
Healthier Pancakes
Trying to watch your cholesterol? When making pancakes from a biscuit mix (you know the one)...eliminate the eggs....you won't even notice and I actually like them better!! This works great for the "less fat mix," too. You won't even miss the eggs I promise! All I add is water or skim milk...
Shared by: Diane Morgan -St.Joseph, Mo.
Share your favorite tip: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com
 In This Issue...

School Days
How to feel Happy at Work--7 Secrets of a "Thank God It's Monday" Workplace

How to Boost Your Charisma

Why Investing in Gold Coins Now Will Help You Retire Secure
Rolfing Therapy: A Way to Align the Body and Relieve Pain

Recipe Box: Summer Tomato Bruschetta

Recipe Box: St. Tropez Ratatouille

Readers' Tips: Healthier Pancakes

Weekly Columns

 Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay

- Uncommon Leadership Has Common Traits

 Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes

Men Don't Need to Fear Soy Foods

Nutrition Wise

Nutrition Wise

Q: What is an Eco-Atkins diet? Is it healthier than the regular version of this diet?

Q: Are brown mushrooms more nutritious than the regular white ones?

Q: Is sushi low in calories?

Direct Answers 

Direct Answers

- Expiration Date
- Old Business
 Your Feedback

"Once again another winner of a newsletter.
The article about mold allergies is something else."

~ John & June


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