วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

August 2009 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: August 2009 Issue #1


Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.
~ William Arthur Ward

Do more than belong: participate
MCS, Toxic Mold, Sick Building Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Poisonous Pollen

Many times it is very difficult to figure out what is causing someone's allergies, or their symptoms that may seem like allergies. Likewise, there are numerous other environmentally triggered illnesses where it can also be very tricky to pin down exactly what is making someone so sick. Often people who suffer from undiagnosed illnesses may be experiencing multiple chemical
sensitivities (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), unusual pollen or mold reactions, food allergies, fibromyalgia, or even combinations of one or more of these.

Beauty on a Budget

Beauty on a budget is possible by following a few hints and guidelines mentioned in this article on hair and skin care.  READ MORE >>

 Readers Shared Quotes
"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."
~ Ben Williams

Shared by: Judy Yee

Share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Blood Type Diet
A single speck of blood contains the entire genetic code for a human being. The four blood types O, A, B and AB are named so because of their differing qualities in relation to the immune system. Now in regards to the role that blood typing plays in diet: as I previously said it is more useful in knowing which foods to avoid rather than eat. This is due to the presence of dietary lectins, which consist of protein and are found in around 30 percent of food....Read more about it! READ MORE >>
 Recipe Box:
Asian Lemonade
Decadent Peach Crumble Studded with Blueberries
Once-A-Month: How to Make Your Plan Work
As one of the oldest children in a family of nine, I know that cooking for a crowd can almost be a full-time job. Once-a-month-cooking has been a lifesaver for our family. In the beginning though, when we first heard of cooking 30 meals in one day, it sounded rather impossible. It was not until we had tried it, though, that we found it is not only possible, but it can even be quite simple and fun! READ MORE >>

Treating Yeast Infections at Home - Eliminate Them Once and For All!

You have identified the symptoms and came to the conclusion that you have a yeast infection. So what is your next step going to be? Getting it treated of course! You thought about running to the nearest drugstore and purchasing the most advertised medication, but you were also told that treating yeast infections with home remedies is also possible. Treating yeast infections at home is an excellent path to take simply because it is easy and safe for the body. As you already know, antibiotics are not that great for the body. READ MORE >>
 Readers' Tips
Vinegar Tip

I would like to submit something that works for me VERY well!

I grow starter plants at my kitchen window sill; they attract gnats! But, to ward them off, I simply apply white vinegar to my wash cloth and let it sit.  Instantly they relocate!

Shared by: Ci E.B.

Share your favorite tip: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com
 In This Issue...

MCS, Toxic Mold, Sick Building Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Poisonous Pollen

Beauty on a Budget

Blood Type Diet

Once-A-Month: How to Make Your Plan Work

Treating Yeast Infections at Home - Eliminate Them Once and For All!

Recipe Box: Asian Lemonade

Recipe Box: Decadent Peach Crumble Studded with Blueberries

Readers' Tips: Another Vinegar Tip

Weekly Columns

 Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay

- Taking Care of Customers is Taking Care of Business

 Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes

Weight Gain in Pregnancy: How Much, How Little?

Nutrition Wise

Nutrition Wise

Q: What exactly is a Western diet and what about it increases cancer risk?

Q: I'd like to cut back on salt by using herbs and spices more often but how do I get started?

Q: Why do some sources say macadamia nut oil is one of the healthiest oils?

Direct Answers 

Direct Answers

- Down with The Ship

 Your Feedback

"I found you through a friend on Facebook. She thought I would like your website, and I do! It's down to earth."

~ Megan Mayou


Soul Horoscopes

P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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