วันอังคารที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

June 2009 - Issue 3

Pioneerthinking.com Newsletter - June 2009 - Issue 3

"He is happiest who hath power to gather wisdom from a flower." 
                                                   ~ Mary Howitt
In this issue...
  • Hair Loss, Hair Care Tips, Home Remedies and Products!
  • How to Get Fit While Gardening
  • Protect Your Skin from Sunburn
  • Displaying Artwork
  • Tips for Dealing with Water Stains & Mildew
  • Recipe Box: Moroccan Grilled Fish with Charmoula
  • Recipe Box: Turkey Burritos
  • Readers Beauty Secrets of The World: Cucumber-Honey Toner
Hair Loss, Hair Care Tips, Home Remedies and Products!
A healthy lifestyle supplemented with proper diet is the magic key for healthy and beautiful hair. But our fast paced life generally doesnt allow us to follow it. But these hair care tips along with some hair care products might just do the trick for you. read more >>

How to Get Fit While Gardening
With a slight change in your thinking and a bit of planning, you can learn how to get in better shape while gardening this year. read more >>

Protect Your Skin from Sunburn
Ultraviolet (UV) rays on unprotected skin can cause first and second degree burns to the skin, commonly referred to as sunburn. Long-term damage from overexposure can include premature aging and even skin cancer. The use of commercially available sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher is effective protection. However, a variety of natural remedies may be even more helpful than chemical-laden oils. read more >>

Good Food, Good Health: Turkey Burritos

Readers Beauty Secrets of the World:
Cucumber-Honey Toner (makes 1/2 cup)
by NHB
1 medium cucumber, peeled and cut into pieces
2 teaspoons honey
Puree cucumber in a blender. Line a sieve with cheesecloth and set the sieve over a glass bowl or measuring cup. Pour the cucumber puree through the sieve and let it stand for 15 minutes for the juices to drip into the bowl. Pour the clear juice into a clean bottle and add honey.
To use, shake the bottle and saturate a cotton pad with the lotion. Sweep over face, neck and chest morning and night, and let it air dry (about 3 to 4 minutes). Store covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Makes about 1/2 cup.
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Readers Quotes
"Life is like an onion.....you peel one layer off at a time, and sometimes you cry!"
~ Unknown
Shared by Leslie Hammen of Bonduel, WI

Weekly Columns
Harvey Mackay
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers
Your Feedback
"Thank you for your newsletter, in fact there is always something new to learn."
~ From Fawzy sharaf,
Lamia, Greece
Ashley Green, Candee Stark, Scott Gillespie, NHB, Leslie Hammen, Fawzy sharaf, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.
If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your feedback to: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com
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