วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

June 2009 - Issue 2


Pioneerthinking.com Newsletter - June 2009 - Issue 2

"If you want to be happy, be."
~ Leo Tolstoy
In this issue...
  • Save Money in the Kitchen
  • Sun Salutation - Complete Workout For Your Mind and Body in Just Ten Minutes
  • Feng Shui Tips for Beginners
  • How to Repair Swimming Hair Damage
  • Handmade Garden Stepping Stones
  • Recipe Box: Mango, Cucumber and Red Pepper Salad
  • Recipe Box: Summer Roasted Vegetable Soup
  • Readers Beauty Secrets of the World: Facial Glow
Save Money in the Kitchen
For many people, cutting back on their grocery budgets can be an  overwhelming experience. They know they're spending too much, but don't know where to begin to cut. Often, they fear that they will deprive themselves and their children if they become frugal. The good news is that there are ways to have your cake, eat it and save money at the same time.  read more >>

Sun Salutation - Complete Workout For Your Mind and Body in Just Ten Minutes
Sun Salutation is the complete workout for your mind and body. Sun Salutation was perfected and filtered in thousands of years of humankind experience. Ten minutes in the morning will give you a low impact still efficient exercise that will benefit both your mind and body. read more >>

Feng Shui Tips for Beginners
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese remedial method, which works out positively, by creating harmony in the environment where one works and lives. read more >>

Good Food, Good Health: Summer Roasted Vegetable Soup

Readers Beauty Secrets of the World:

Facial Glow

by Christopher C.
Slice open a lemon and wipe the juice on your facial, stay away from your eyes. Follow with baking soda over the juice. Let it sit for 10 minutes then rinse off with warm water. Pat skin dry with a clean towel. You will have an instant glow! Your skin will feel clean and refreshed. This facial helps to fade age spots, eliminates fine wrinkles, helps to get rid of pimples and will soften your skin.  

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Readers Quotes  

"Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers."

~ Hans Christian Anderson

Shared by Jim Dakis

Share your favorite quote>>

Weekly Columns
Harvey Mackay
Nutrition Wise

Q: When recipes list optional toppings or flavorings, are they included in nutritional information listed?

Q: Is polenta a whole grain?

Q: I keep hearing that wild blueberries are a top source of antioxidants. Do I need to eat wild blueberries to get the most health benefits rather than the conventional blueberries that are easy to find?

Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers
Your Feedback
I look forward to receiving this newsletter each week!!  It's
so FULL of so many interesting articles. 
THANK YOU for creating it and "keep up the great work"!
~ From Michele :) in Kailua Kona, Hawaii

Share your feedback, we would love to hear from you! >>


Tawra Kellam, Jill Cooper, Constantine George, Rachel Webb, Amit Bhalla, Christopher C., Jim Dakis, Michele, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your feedback to: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

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