วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

January 2009 - Issue 2

January 2009 - Issue 2

Purr-fectly 'Green' Cat Care Tips
Build A Wooden Bar Stool
Selling the Greatest Product Online: You!

Take Note: Playing Piano Relieves Stress and Anyone Can Do It

Put Away Every Day - It Calms the Mind and Rewires the Brain

Recipe Box: Asian Black Rice Salad

Recipe Box: Greens and Lentil Soup

Readers' Hair Care Secrets: Itchy Scaly Scalp

Harvey Mackay
Nutrition Wise

Q: How does cream cheese rank as a source of calcium and protein?

Q: Is bladder cancer related to diet?

Q: Do the new exercise guidelines recommend that all Americans take up weight lifting?

Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers

Narrow Escape

Starting Point


"Our creator is the same and never changes despite the names given Him by people here and in all parts of the world. Even if we gave Him no name at all, He would still be there, within us, waiting to give us good on this earth."

~ George Washington Carver

Shared by: Jim Dakis
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"Thanks ;)))))

I don't know what to say except wowwwww!!!!"

~ Sarah Ismail


"People with many interests live, not only longest, but happiest."  
~ George Matthew Allen

Purr-fectly 'Green' Cat Care Tips
Your cat personifies the graceful, enviable sure-footedness of her species. But what about her eco-footprint? Your can become a "greener" cat owner with these simple steps. [ read full story ]

Build A Wooden Bar Stool
This is a plan for a folding bar stool that can be used in a number of situations, from providing extra seating at a breakfast bar, to offering a convenient seat for relaxing outdoors during the summer months.  Once you've made your first one, you can go on and make as many as you need. [ read full story ]

Recipe Box:

Asian Black Rice Salad

Greens and Lentil Soup

Selling the Greatest Product Online: You!
This week I want to discuss making yourself marketable online, not in selling products, but in getting hired.  Given our current economic state, a large majority of middle-class workers are asking themselves, "what can I do to bring in a little extra income?"  With all the online job postings available, particularly work-from-home positions, it's difficult to find a perfect fit, but there are a few key things you can do to help yourself in the race for another job. [ read full story ]

Take Note: Playing Piano Relieves Stress and Anyone Can Do It
Whether you just listen or actually play an instrument, music has very definite therapeutic value for a range of mental and physical health issues, a growing body of scientific evidence shows. read full story ]

Put Away Every Day - It Calms the Mind and Rewires the Brain
Having a place for everything helps us keep things in order and find them again. It helps us get to the car in the morning without tripping over shoes, backpacks, or purses. Giving things a home helps us know when we have too much stuff. Discovering that there is zero space in the bookcase to jam another paperback, or zero coat hangers to hang the new outfit we just bought on sale, for example, gives us instant feedback that something has to give or something has to go. Housing things properly holds us accountable and keeps us honest. [ read full story ]

Readers' Hair Care Secrets:

Itchy Scaly Scalp
by Parris
I had been plagued for many, many months with an itchy scaly scalp that just seemed to be spreading and getting worse.  I had tried most all of the otc products for itchy scalp, many dandruff shampoos with tar, menthol, ketoconazole, etc. all to no avail.  Tried using the water & vinegar and that didn't help.  Finally tried spraying with half and half water mixed with hydrogen peroxide.  Just shampoo and rinse as usual, towel dry, and then spray the mixture on affected areas of scalp and leave on.  Dry and style hair as usual.  After trying this for about a week, I began to notice a huge improvement and after a month, my scalp is virtually clear. 

Forum Question: How to Sweeten Unsweetened Baking Chocolate

I have been trying to melt down some unsweetened Baker's chocolate and then add sweetener and make some chocolate covered pretzels. But so far I have had no luck. I have a diabetic support group and wanted to take these treats as a snack, so using regular chocolate or bark won't work. Now I can get the chocolate to melt no problem, but everytime I add any splenda or anything of the sort, the chocolate clumps up and loses it's consistancy. Help please! [ read more ]


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Caroline Smith, Diego Norte, Stephanie Bennett Vogt, Jim Dakis, Sarah Ismail, Parris, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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