วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

January 2009 - Issue 1

January 2009 - Issue 1


Homemade Cleaners

Year End Review

36 Quotes to Live By

I Can't Find My Keys!

Focus on One Task at a Time Gets the Job Done Right

Recipe Box: PB&B Milkshake

Recipe Box: Satisfying Chicken Stew

Home Cleaning Tips: Air Freshener, How to Clean Artificial Flowers, How to Clean Leather Furniture

Nutrition Wise
Direct Answers

What If


"It is never too late to be what you might have been." 

~ George Eliot
Shared by: Kay R.
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"I absolutely look forward to your weekly newsletters.
Pioneer Thinking Newsletter is truly one of a kind. Your newsletters are filled with so much wonderful, helpful and  incredibly interesting information that is so useful for everyone who reads.
Keep up the fabulous job you have done and no doubt will continue to do."
~ Lorraine Hill 

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"Life's a voyage that's homeward bound." ~ Herman Melville

Homemade Cleaners
Here are some tips for using and making your own household cleaners from Dining On A Dime Cookbook. Most are simple and only take a few minutes to mix. [ read full story ]

Year End Review

Another year has come and gone and as we reflect on the year that was, we want to take the time to thank all of you for your continued support of Pioneer Thinking. We have gathered all the newsletters from the year 2008 and put them together in a "Year in Review" Special Edition.

We invite you to browse through them and catch up on those you've missed. We filled it with inspiring quotes, tips, feedback, and articles that have helped us look at ways to live a simpler, gentler and kinder way of life. [ read more ]

Recipe Box:

PB&B Milkshake

Satisfying Chicken Stew

36 Quotes to Live By

Famous quotes to inspire your life. [ read full story ]

I Can't Find My Keys!

Searching for misplaced items costs us time and money.  According to the American Demographic Society, American waste 9 million hours per day searching for misplaced items.  A Harris Interactive survey found that 23% of adults say they pay bills late (thus incurring late fees) because they lose them. A few common items that we lose frequently are credit cards, wallets, TV remotes, sunglasses, cell phones, bills and keys. Here are some tips to help you keep up with your stuff.  read full story ]

Focus on One Task at a Time Gets the Job Done Right

So many times, we are so overwhelmed by the amount of things that need to be accomplished that we do not know where to start and we find ourselves running around in circles. It is hard enough to 'just keep up', without the thought of actually getting ahead, so we tend to take on too many tasks at one time. This is the time to step back and take a look at what it is that we are trying to do and to stop trying to beat the clock.  [ read full story ]


Air Freshener
by Cynthia Lewis

1 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 cups water
Put ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well. Spray around the home. Freshens the air, eliminates odors and acts as an antibacterial.

How to Clean Artificial Flowers:  Put a cup of salt into a paper bag, add the flowers then shake them around for a few seconds. Remove flowers from the bag, shake off salt.

How to Clean Soft Leather Furniture: Wipe a bar of regular facial soap on a clean wet rag until its soapy. Then wipe furniture down. You might have to keep resoaping the furniture. Keep cleaning until its clean, give it a final rinse off with another clean wet rag, wipe the suds off.

Forum Question:  The Topic of The "Ex"

So I've been in a relationship for about a year and my boyfriend had a previous relationship before me that lasted for a while. He's still friendly with his ex and they hang out from time to time. He doesn't like me asking too many questions about her which I think is unfair and it has created arguments between us. Do you think the topic of an ex is off limits?   [ read more ]

Special Notice:

Donate Your Used Stamps to Raise Money to Help Cure Leprosy
Many friends of The Leprosy Mission Canada help by sending their trimmed, used postage stamps. These stamps are then repackaged into 25 lb. bags and sold to stamp dealers. The money realized from stamp sales is used to supply medicine, care and rehabilitation to people suffering from leprosy.
For more information on the Stamp program: click here
  • Are particularly interested in the special commemorative issues of Canadian/American postage stamps (but are not interested in regular flag stamps)
  • Welcome all foreign stamps
  • Prefer stamps to be trimmed, leaving a 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch paper border, being careful not to damage the perforations
  • Send your used stamps to:

    The Leprosy Mission Canada
    100 Mural Street, Suite 100
    Richmond Hill, Ontario
    L4B 1J3
    Leprosy can be cured with your help. 


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    Tawra Kellam, Ryan P. M. Allis, Beryl Westby, Jan Hayner, Kay R., Lorraine Hill, Cynthia Lewis, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

    If you have questions or comments on this week's issue, send your feedback to:  

    As always, feel free to pass this newsletter on to family and friends.
    May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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    P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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