วันอาทิตย์ที่ 21 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2551

December 2008 - Issue 4

December 2008 - Issue 4

How to Read Hands to Improve Your Relationships
Homemade Herbal Beauty Tips
A Holiday Tale: The Story Behind the Norfolk Island Pine
Good Bacteria? Probiotics Help Immune and Digestive Health

How Happy Are You?

Recipe Box: Christmas Broccoli Rice Casserole

Recipe Box: Cheesy Pasta with Spinach and Tomato

Readers' Cooking Tips & Recipes: Chicken Again?

Harvey Mackay
Nutrition Wise

Q: Should I switch my family to low sugar jam and jelly?

Q: What is the current advice about using antioxidant supplements to protect against macular degeneration in the eyes?

Q: Does diet have any effect on acne?

Nutrition Notes
Direct Answers

Flying Blind

Harm's Way

"Children are the only future we have. Teach them well."

Shared by: Shannon Stewart
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"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds."
~ Francis Bacon

How to Read Hands to Improve Your Relationships
Hands can tell a lot about a person whether they are secretive, hard workers, friendly or insecure. Learn how to read hands to get a better insight into your relationships. [ read full story ]

Homemade Herbal Beauty Tips
Homemade herbal cosmetics are becoming very popular these days not only because of their inexpensiveness but also due to their effective results. [ read full story ]

Recipe Box:

Christmas Broccoli Rice Casserole

Cheesy Pasta with Spinach and Tomato

A Holiday Tale: The Story Behind the Norfolk Island Pine
The romantic history of the traditional holiday fir, the Norfolk Island Pine, involves a famous sea capatain, breath-taking natural beauty and adventure in the sultry South Sea Islands. [ read full story ]

Good Bacteria? Probiotics Help Immune and Digestive Health
It may fly in the face of everything your mother taught you about health, but not all bacteria are bad. Some can actually improve your immune and digestive health. Eating foods enhanced with probiotics, or taking supplements, are a great (and delicious) way to make bacteria work for you and to fight germs. read full story ]

How Happy Are You?
How happy you are can have a direct impact on your health and wellbeing - both physically and emotionally. Learn about some exciting new studies that increase our awareness of this fact. [ read full story ]

Readers' Cooking Tips & Recipes:

Chicken Again?
by Lisa Bernier

I would like to share a very simple, and delicious meal with your readers.

4 chicken breasts, butterflied
1 red pepper, sliced thin
1 leek, rinsed and chopped roughly
1/2 cup white wine
1/4 cup of cream 15%
2 pinches of tarragon
salt and white pepper to taste.

In a frying pan with a little olive oil, sear your butterflied chicken breasts, (soaking them in buttermilk for 15 min. makes them incredibly tender) remove them from the pan and finish in a 350 degree oven.

In another pan add your chopped leeks, and red pepper, cook about 5 min.

Add the white wine and cook about 4 minutes.
Just before serving add tarragon, cream and salt and pepper, serve over cooked chicken.

Guaranteed to chase away the chicken blahs.


Forum Question: What is This?

For a while now I've gotten large pimples on my chin. Not zits, as I usually can get rid of those fairly easily. These are large, painful pimples that go away, leave a purple mark, (even though I don't pop them) and then come back in the same exact place. I've tried benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, Proactiv, Queen Julipe masks, and a ton of other products. But nothing seems to work. Even after they fade they still leave a purple blemish that is hard to cover up. I really need help with finding out what these are and how to treat them. Not only are they unsightly but painful. [ read more ]


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Larry Rodrigues, Nick Mutt, John William Johnson, Shannon Stewart, Dave Pilkington, Lisa Bernier, Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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