วันจันทร์ที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Male Menopause | Dehydrating Strawberries | Growing Radishes and more

Symptoms of Male Menopause

Medical studies show that women are not the only ones who experience menopause, men do too. The term is referred to as male menopause commonly known as andropause.  read more

Health Talk
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Just The Facts Ma'am
In Canada, Mexico, India, Russia and Israel, bank notes have Braille-like markings on them for the blind.

Featured Articles
Growing Organic Radishes

Growing radishes was pioneered before the Roman empire; the name radish derived from radix, the Latin word for root (the Romans could wield a sword but weren't really clever with names!). Mustard and turnips are close relatives to the radish.

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Garden Medicine

Having a certification as a master herbalist is great, but most of the time the people I work with don't have access to out of the ordinary herbs. That's fine, because there is plenty available from the garden and produce aisle.

Whole Wheat Pasta with Ricotta, Roasted Garlic and Walnuts

This easy summer dinner only needs 5 main ingredients and requires minimal prep work, making it perfect for those long summer days. It features hearty whole-wheat pasta, reduced-fat ricotta and roasted garlic for plenty of fiber and cancer-fighting phytochemicals. Baked walnuts add a satisfying crunch and the healthy omega-3 fat, alpha-linolenic acid.
P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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วันจันทร์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Growing Grapes | Acid Reflux Remedy | Peach and Basil Salad and more

You Can Grow Grapes in Your Yard

Are you one of those home gardeners that don't know the three stumbling blocks to successfully growing grapes in your backyard? Don't worry, you're not alone.

Let's look at the problems when growing the backyard grapevine.  read more

Health Talk
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Just The Facts Ma'am
Physical exercise 4 hours after learning improves long-term memory, a study found

"Learn to relax, your body is precious, as it houses your mind and spirit.  Inner peace begins with a relaxed body."

~ Norman Vincent Peale

more quotes at pioneerthinking.com/quotes

Featured Articles
An Apple a Day Can be Your Acid Reflux Remedy

The burning feeling inside your upper abdomen, chest and throat was as soon as referred to as acid indigestion. Doctors now call it acid reflux simply because powerful stomach acid is slowly leaking by way of the Lower Esophageal…

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Blue Wild Flowers for Your Garden

Wild flowers are carefree, colorful, and tend to attract bees, butterflies and birds. So planting wild flowers not only gives you an easy maintenance flower garden... it also promises to be a constant source of interesting activity throughout the year.

Peach and Basil Salad with Mozzarella

Our delicious salad marries summer's juicy, sweet peaches and aromatic basil with slightly briny, velvety fresh mozzarella. This quick to fix, simple salad has an enticing bouquet – peaches are related to roses after all – and lots of vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium and fiber. It would be peachy-keen to serve as a light main or side salad at your next summer soirée.
P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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วันจันทร์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Father's Day Memories | Nachos Grandes | Fork History and more

Special Time with Dad

On dad's big day in June, make a lasting impression on him by taking him on a memorable adventure. Here are some ideas to take your gift-giving to the next level. read more

Health Talk
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Just The Facts Ma'am
While you inherit DNA from both parents, you end up using your father's DNA more. Genetically, you are more like your dad than your mom.

"We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames,
we are all just stars that have people names."

– Nikita Gill

more quotes at pioneerthinking.com/quotes

Featured Articles
Forks - The Interesting History

Although kitchen forks trace their origins back to the time of the Greeks, the table fork had to wait until the 16th century to make it's appearance in Europe.

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How to Plan a Healthy Workplace Diet

Most of us spend the majority of our time each week at work, often making it challenging to stick to a healthy lifestyle. From pastry-laden brainstorms to lunchtime meetings, the workplace can be full of temptation. But with a little planning, you can stay healthy while at work and not only hit your career-related goals, but also achieve your health ones.

Layered Nachos Grandes

Homemade nachos are the perfect comfort food for a festive appetizer or a summer get-together. Fresh salsa, protein-rich beans and colorful avocado form decadent layers in this baked version of nachos grandes. Forming perfect tiers allows the cheese to melt evenly and each flavor to stand out in the dish.

P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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