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July 2014 -  Issue 4

"Smell is a potent wizard that transports us across a thousand miles and all the years we have lived." - Helen Keller

Uses of Dried Lavender Flowers
Uses of Dried Lavender Flowers
Lavender flowers and products provide soothing fragrance and relaxation. Some varieties of lavender maintain nearly their full aroma when dried. Dried lavender flowers can be used in sachets or arranged in bowls for adding soothing scents to your home. Dried lavender flowers can even be used in cooking such as recipes for shortbread cookies. Dried lavender can also be added a bubble bath to make fragrant as well as fun!
Aromatherapy in The Garden
Aromatherapy in The Garden
Sitting in the garden in the midst of fragrant flowers and herbs is an experience to treasure. It can bring to mind pleasant memories of the past; perhaps a memory of walking hand in hand with a favourite grandparent, or, a summer's day from the past, when one was young and the days were long and free.
Green Peas and Red Potatoes with Fresh Dill
Green Peas and Red Potatoes with Fresh Dill

Let fresh dill dazzle your palate as it heightens the flavors of green peas and red potatoes. Fresh dill adds a unique flavor to this dish that says let's celebrate summertime.

Your Space:

Making Lavender Oil - by Victoria M.

The essential oil that comes from the lavender plant is highly scented and is a common ingredient used in making perfumes and toilet waters.

When you are growing the plant for its oils, gather the flowers from it as soon as the flowers are faded, thats when you will get the most oils from it.

To make the essential oil itself: Soak the flower heads in a large glass bowl in olive oil, enough to cover the heads. Let it sit for 24 hours then strain through cheese cloth.

Voila, you have your own homemade lavender essential oil. This works best on a small scale of course. Hope your readers can use this tip.

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Sterilizing Canning Jars
Sterilizing Jars for Canning

Sterilizing jars for canning is an important step in the home canning process. Although washing jars in hot soapy water is important, it isn't enough to ensure a clean, germ-free environment. A second step is needed to kill bacteria that might still be hanging around and make your jars are sterile and ready to use for canning.

There are three easy ways to sterilize jars for canning. All three are effective and simple to do, so it's just a matter of preference (or space) as to which one you use.

The Organic Way to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles
The Organic Way to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles

Japanese Beetles can wreak havoc on a garden. They can and will eat away at roses, fruits and other vegetation if the problem is not taken care of quickly. For those who want to refrain from using harsh chemicals to combat the infestation, there are a few organic ways to get rid of Japanese Beetles.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!
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