วันจันทร์ที่ 3 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

[Best Shoes for Girl Kids] [Best Shoes for Girl Kids] This Week: Homestead Kitchen, Million Dollar Fudge, Treat Spring Allergies Naturally and More!

March 2014 -  Issue 1

"When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about." ~ Haruki Murakami

Mamie Eisenhower's Million Dollar Fudge
Mamie Eisenhower's Million Dollar Fudge
These two old fashion candy recipes are delicious. Mamie Eisenhower's Million Dollar Fudge two types of chocolate for a great chocolate candy. The Molasses Peanut Brittle can be made using pecans or other nuts, if you prefer.
Homesteading Supplies for The Kitchen
Equipping the Homestead – Homesteading Supplies for the Kitchen
If you're just getting started building a homestead, there are some homesteading supplies for the kitchen you may want to put on your list. Just like in any kitchen, plates, bowls, glasses, cutlery, a knife set et al are still going to be used. But there are some additional items that are used in the process of cooking and food storage that you will find valuable. Some of the items you may already have and use, and some you may not.
Beat Your Spring Allergies Naturally
Beat Your Spring Allergies Naturally

Spring brings different things to all of us. For some it's a time to finally get back to jogging outside, for others it's a time to clean the backyard and plant this year's garden. Whichever way we decide to enjoy the spring weather, we must also be prepared for the arrival of nasty allergies.

Your Space:

Bath Salt for Arthritis - by Cynthia Lewis

This will make enough for 2 baths.

2 cups sea salt
6-8 drops lemon oil
6-8 drops ginger root essential oil

Mix ingredients together then pour into a warm bath. Swish the water around with your hands to mix it well.

Let yourself soak for 15 minutes in this fresh scented bath for pain relief.

for more health remedies: http://pioneerthinking.com/health/natural-treatments-remedies

Share your tip / recipe: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com
Plants for March
Plants for March
March in the garden and spring is beginning to get underway. This means that adding colour to the garden becomes a lot easier. From spring bulbs to shrubs and perennials here are some ideas on what to plant in March.
Community News:
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Homestead Predators: Raccoons are Clever
Homestead Predators – Raccoons Are Clever

Raccoons are homestead predators that look like bandits with those Lone Ranger type masks over their eyes. Don't let their looks fool you - they're much more clever than the common bandit you might encounter.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!
P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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เขียนโดย siriporn ถึง Best Shoes for Girl Kids เวลา 3/03/2557 06:07:00 ก่อนเที่ยง

เขียนโดย siriporn ถึง Best Shoes for Girl Kids เวลา 3/03/2557 06:07:00 ก่อนเที่ยง

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