วันอังคารที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2554

March 2011 - Issue 2

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 March 2011 - Issue 2

"Whatever you are by nature, keep to it; never desert your line of talent. Be what nature intended you for, and you will succeed."
~ Sydney Smith
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Spring Clean Your Workout

It's Spring cleaning time again! How about adding some new areas to your clean-up routine? While sprucing up your house also consider doing the same for your fitness and wellness routines. Spring is a great time to both toss out and replace workout gear and even mental attitudes...read more

Recipe Box
Spring Spinach Chickpea Soup - Transition from Winter to Spring with this Flavorful Soup. During the change from cool to warm weather, a soup that features fresh vegetables accented by herbs can make the transition both satisfying and smooth. ... Get recipe
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Mountain Rose Herbs. A Herbs, Health & Harmony Com
Reader's Tip
Shared by: Patricia Chan

When ground beef, lamb, veal or pork ( or all) are on sale, I make meatballs. I do this is two stages. Very small ones for soups, Med for Stroganoff, larger for spaghetti. I make about 50 total. I bake then til they are done. Cool them and freeze for a later date.

One thing I can't do without is a freezer. When my children were small I didn't have one. Now that I am older I bought a small chest freezer and keep it stocked all the time. I cook in larger batches and find that I save alot of money by doing this. Some weeks I don't buy meat at all and just use what I have in the freezer. I cook from scratch, we don't eat processed food, I make my own smoothie each week, which last the whole week. I bake fruit desserts. Our favorite is baked sliced apples with dried cranberries and a crumble top. This is made without sugar and the cranberries make it sweet enough. Since its hard to get fresh fruit in the winter, we eat oranges, pears and apples.
We have 3 adults in the family with 2 with hearty appetites. Once a week we eat out at a local diner. I set the table everynight, we all eat together, I lite a candle and we enjoy.

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Health Talk - Health Q & A

Q: I know that spinach is loaded with vitamins, but how can I fix it so people will enjoy eating it? Is the spinach soufflé that comes frozen a healthy option?

Q: I've seen recommendations for 30 to 60 minutes a day of moderate exercise. How much of that time should be spent on strength training?

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Harvey Mackay Column - Business Advice
The road to millions is paved with hard work.
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"Don't frown, you never know who's falling in love with your smile! " - Unknown
Shared By: Jessica L
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