วันจันทร์ที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

February 2011 - Issue 1


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 February 2011 - Issue 1

"Accept everything about yourself -- I mean everything, you are you and that is the beginning and the end -- no apologies, no regrets."

~ Clark Moustakas

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Is a Frugal Lifestyle also Green?

Is a Frugal Lifestyle also Green?

Long before the Green, eco-friendly, earth movement came along the frugal had been quietly doing things that have recently been made popular by the Green movement.read nmore..read more

Recipe Box

Spinach Salad with Creamy Beet Dressing
Spinach Salad with Creamy Beet Dressing - Valentine’s Day treats frequently call for strawberries or raspberries. This year, rather than a sweet, I have created an elegant, savory dish instead. It is a decorative salad combining baby spinach and endive, graced with slim French green beans and drizzled with a rich, red dressing. Get recipe
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article - Furniture Placement

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Reader's Tip
Make your Cottage Cheese & Sour Cream Last Longer
Shared by: Cynthia Lewis
To make cottage cheese or even sour cream last longer, place the containers upside down in the fridge, it creates a vacuum that slows down the bacteria.
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Health Talk - Health Q & A

Q: What are some healthy ways to eat dates? I saw them on a list of good sources of potassium.

Q: What’s the best kind of exercise to help reduce high blood pressure?

Direct Answers Column - Relationship Advice
Raised By Wolves
Harvey Mackay Column - Business Advice
Creating Sales Requires Creativity

shared Quotes

"Is life getting too hard to stand? Try kneeling."

~ Unknown

Shared by: Jim Dakis
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- Ingredients for a Simple Life

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