วันจันทร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

August 2010 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: August 2010 - Issue # 2
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking

Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

"Remember that children, marriages, and flower gardens reflect the kind of care they get. "

~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Save Money Being Polite
Written by Tawra Kellam
People often ask how I always get such good deals, like the excellent deal I got on my washer and dryer. One of the ways I am able to get better prices on things is just by being nice...
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Women: Wear Socks to Bed for Better Sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping? Researchers in the Netherlands discovered that women who wear socks in bed fall asleep 27% faster than those who sleep barefoot. Apparently warm feet send a signal to the brain saying, "sleep".
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Egg and Roasted Red Pepper Wrap
Recipe Box: Egg and Roasted Red Pepper Wrap

Home Decor
Decorating with Fashionable Modern Metals
Written by Jessica Ackerman
Decorating with modern metals is once again fashionable and beautiful.
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Shared Quotes:

quotes"No matter what you look like, marry a man your own age. Then as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight."

~ Phyllis Diller

Shared by: Meagan Norlock

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Beauty Tips
Lip Care - How To Prevent Dry & Chapped Lips?
Written by Naomi Andrews
Your lips are the driest spot on our face or body. While the face is covered with a relatively thick and more protective layer of skin that remains intact and prevents dryness, the lips are virtually naked in comparison and require intensive care and nourishment to remain smooth and moist.
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Feng Shui Green Garden
Written by Sarah Van Arsdale
Indoor gardening can be as complicated and elaborate as cultivating a garden of orchids, or it can be as simple as putting a single cactus on the coffee table, and any bit of living greenery will bring a new energy into the home...
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Readers' Tip
A Permanent Black Dye
Shared by Barbara Lee Gates

If you want an indelible black dye for material, use the juice from the TEXAS BLACK persimmon fruit.

The juice out of the fruit is clear light amber like honey, but when it gets on any fabric it will turn it
dark black when it dries on the fabric.

Related Article: Natural Dyes
Share: Share your tip

Save Money Being Polite

Women: Wear Socks to Bed for Better Sleep

Decorating With Fashionable Modern Metals

Lip Care - How To Prevent Dry & Chapped Lips?

Feng Shui Green Garden

Recipe Box: Egg and Roasted Red Pepper Wrap

Readers' Tips: Natural Black Fabric Dye

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: How do I know which vegetables and fruits are really best when antioxidant scores seem to vary?

Q: Is it true that you lose more body fat by exercising in the low-intensity fat-burning zone?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Leg To Stand On

- Irreconcilable Difference

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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Downturns Can be Fair Weather for Business Liftoffs
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