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July 2010 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: July 2010 - Issue # 2
Your Guide to Pioneer Thinking
"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time."
~ Winston Churchill

How to Make a Handmade Bath Bomb
Written by Gen Wright
Discover the fizzle, fun and wild smells of popping a bath bomb in your tub!
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Budgeting Tips
Debt Free Living- Dealing With A Tight Budget
Written by Jill Cooper
As a single mother of two, I started my own home business without any capital and paid off $35,000 debt in 5 years on $1,000 a month income. I am often asked what are the top lessons I would give a family or even a single person who is dealing with a tight budget. Here are my top tips for living on a small income.
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Recipe Box: Zucchini Boats Stuffed with Turkey

Cleaning Solutions
Quick Remedies for Summer Stains
Written by Cyd Bus
Summer stains can easily be removed with these quick home remedies.
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Shared Quotes:

"Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing."

~ Camille Pissarro

Shared by: Leanne Gervais

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>> share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

Skin Care
7 Sunscreen Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin
Written by Naomi Andrews
"I do not need sunscreen." cannot tell you how many times I have heard women say this. Whether they are bearing their face to the harsh winter wind or lying bare in the sun to get a tan, this is one statement some women just can look beyond. Here are some popular myths about using sunscreen and some real facts behind them...
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Home Brews
Raspberry Smoothies

This recipe takes minutes to prepare, tastes great and is loaded with vitamins and other important nutrients. Yummy!
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Readers' Tip
Butterfly Planter
Shared by Cynthia Lewis

A great way to recycle those common green plastic planters is to spray paint them whatever color you want with acrylic paint. I like to paint mine a flat black, makes the texture look more like clay pottery. I then take a small stencil of a butterfly and paint it onto the planter, I like to use several bright colors. I paint one color then let it dry before I add another color and so on. Once the butterflies are dry, I add the finer details to it with a small brush. I like to paint on a few butterflies around the planter.

You can use any stencil you want to make this craft your own, the possibilities are endless!

Related Article: Ways to Decorate an Outdoor Area with Butterflies
Share: Share your tip

How to Make a Handmade Bath Bomb

Debt Free Living- Dealing With A Tight Budget

Quick Remedies for Summer Stains

7 Sunscreen Myths That Can Ruin Your Skin

Raspberry Smoothies

Recipe Box: Zucchini Boats Stuffed with Turkey

Readers' Tips: Butterfly Planter

Soul Horoscopes
Health Talk
Nutrition Questions and Answers

Q: As long as the activities I do all day add up to at least 30 minutes, does that mean I'm getting enough physical activity?

Q: Is cottage cheese a good source of calcium?

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Direct Answers
Relationship Advice Column

- Uphill

- Purchasing Power

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Harvey Mackay
Business Column

Fun and Work Go Hand in Hand
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