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December 2009 - Issue 1

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Weekly Newsletter: December 2009 Issue #1

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we should dance.
Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale. - Hans Christian Anderson

Color Therapy and Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the practice of using naturally distilled essences of plants to promote the health and well-being of your body, mind, and emotion spirit.READ MORE >>

French Country Bean Soup

Enjoy the pleasures of this rustic kind of French cooking. READ MORE >>

 Readers Shared Quotes

"It's the little moments that makes life big."

~ Unknown Author

Shared by Joan Whitmore, Dallas Tx

Share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

How to Make a "No Sew" Fleece Blanket

Here's 3 ways to make an inexpensive fleece blanket, ranging from "no sew" to "minimal sew" options. READ MORE >>

 Recipe Box:
Asian Lemonade
Orange-Glazed Plantains
Decadent Peach Crumble Studded with Blueberries
Orzo with Kale

Holiday Weight Loss Tips -- Do They Work?

There are no shortages of holiday weight tips but still people tend to gain some weight during the holidays. That doesn't have to be the case! Let's put some real-world reality to these tips to make them actually useful. READ MORE >>

Simple Tips to Make School Mornings Easier

Most children worry about going to school unprepared so it's important to check through everything with them before they go to bed the night before. READ MORE >>

 Readers' Tips

Clarify Your Hair

An inexpensive way to clarify your hair is to use your usual shampoo, during the first lather, take a handful of baking soda and work it into the lather thoroughly.

Let it set for a few minutes, depending on how much styling buildup you have on your hair. Rinse and shampoo again without baking soda, then condition.

The baking soda makes an excellent chelating aid. It is also advisable to clarify at least every two weeks to remove product buildup.

Always clarify before doing a deep conditioning treatment. Otherwise you will be conditioning over product buildup which really won't be beneficial.

Chelating also removes trace buildup of prescription drugs that buildup in your hair.

Treat yourself to a scalp massage, this facilitates healthy hair growth by stimulating the blood supply to you scalp.

Shared by: LREED65

-- Hair Care Forum

-- Hair Care

-- Readers' Hair Tips

Share Your Hair Care Tip >>

 In This Issue...

Color Therapy and Aromatherapy

French Country Bean Soup

How to Make a"No Sew" Fleece Blanket

Holiday Weight Loss Tips -- Do They Work?

Simple Tips to Make School Mornings Easier

Recipe Box: Orange-Glazed Plantains

Recipe Box: Orzo with Kale

Readers' Tips: Clarify Your Hair

Weekly Columns

Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay

Building on The Past to Secure The Future

Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes

Is Vegetarian Healthier?

Nutrition Wise

Nutrition Wise

Q. Does chamomile tea really have special benefits?

Q. A lot of recipes using slow cookers look very healthy. Can I follow the recipes without the special pot?

Q:Some tofu recipes call for "pressed tofu." What is this?

Direct Answers 

Direct Answers

The Right Stuff

 Your Feedback

"I thank you for helping me with lots and lots of things which are new to me. I didn't know about Green Tea health benefits, and some of homemade remedies."

~ Dulcie S. M.

Soul Horoscopes

P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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