วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

November 2009 - Issue 2

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Weekly Newsletter: November 2009 Issue #2


"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."  

~ Albert Camus

You are a child of the Universe...

Home-made Herbal Beauty Products

Nothing works more magic than a perfumed soak in a warm bath after a really tiring or stressful day. The smell of the herbal products can add a great deal to that relaxation and many bath preparations are very simple to make. READ MORE >>

Easy Autumn Candle Crafts

A great autumn craft for the entire family. Make these scent-sational candles this autumn season.READ MORE >>

 Readers Shared Quotes

"The elevator to success is out of order. You'll have to use the stairs...one step at a time."

~ Joe Girard

Shared by: Jim Dakis

Share your favorite quote: newsletter@pioneerthinking.com

The Benefits of Green Tea to Men's Health

Explores the benefits of the ingredient Green Tea to men's health, men's nutrition and men's weight loss.  READ MORE >>

Recipe Box:
Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
Chicken with Orange and Honey Sauce
Chicken with Orange and Honey Sauce

Wool Blankets - How Do You Care for Them?

Wool blankets are generally much lighter than duvets, but maintain their warmth better. One of the big differences between the two blankets though is in how they are cleaned. READ MORE >>

Ten Amazing Round Pillow Ideas

Quick tips and ideas for decorating your home using round pillow forms. READ MORE >>

 Readers' Tips

Blood Stains

I find meat tenderizer (any brand) made into a paste and spread on stain works very well.

Shared by: Ruth

P.T. Cleaning Forum >>

More Cleaning Tips >>

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 In This Issue...

Home-made Herbal Beauty Products

Easy Autumn Candle Crafts

The Benefits of Green Tea to Men's Health

Wool Blankets - How Do You Care for Them?

Ten Amazing Round Pillow Ideas

Recipe Box: Mexican Hot Chocolate

Recipe Box: Chicken and Orange with Honey Sauce

Readers' Tips: Blood Stain Remover

Weekly Columns

 Harvey Mackay

Harvey Mackay

Spark Innovation in Your Company

 Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes

Reality Check on Exercise and Weight

Nutrition Wise

Nutrition Wise

Q: How much cholesterol-lowering power can I expect from one bowl of oatmeal a day?

Q: I hear so much about antioxidants in dark chocolate providing health benefits.  Does milk chocolate really offer nothing?

Q: Are tonic and club soda good low-sugar alternatives to regular soft drinks and sweetened mixers?

Direct Answers 

Direct Answers

But I'm The...

 Your Feedback

"I just discovered your webpage, and it's loaded with great information. I'll be sure to tell all my friends about your site. Thanks."

~ Doc

Soul Horoscopes

P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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