วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

September 2008 - Issue 3

September 2008 - Issue 3


Fall Home Decor Trends: One Part Nature with a Twist

Basic Skincare For Different Skin Types

Helping Your Toddler With His Motor Skills
Eating Well as Food Prices Rise

Using Recycled Items In Your Crafts

Green Gulp (Or Honeydew Kiwi Smoothie)

Pasta Fagioli

Home Crafts: Citrus Simmer Potpourri

Harvey Mackay

USA Basketball's Real Slam Dunk
Nutrition Wise
Nutrition Notes

Fish Still Our Best Source of Omega-3 Fat
Direct Answers

Garden Path

Wounded Spirit

"There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is."
~ Albert Einstein

Shared by: Kimberly Warr
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~ T.M.

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"Wisdom begins in wonder." ~ Socrates

Fall Home Decor Trends: One Part Nature with a Twist
As Mother Nature wows us with fantastic fall colors and scenery, the latest trends in fall decorating and entertaining bring the beauty of the great outdoors inside. Give your home some fall-time flare by adding nature-inspired decor with unexpected crafty details. [ read full story ]

Basic Skincare for Different Skin Types

Using the wrong skincare product is not only a waste of money, it can also lead to irreversible skin conditions. But in order to choose the most appropriate products for your skin, you must first determine whether you have oily, dry, a combination of the two or normal skin. 
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Recipe Box:

Green Gulp (Or Honeydew Kiwi Smoothie)

Pasta Fagioli

Helping Your Toddler With His Motor Skills
As everyone knows, toddlers are always on the move and full of energy. While normal play is a natural stage in the development of your child's gross motor skills, you may also need to have him participate in activities that can help to tune in his fine motor skills. [ read full story ]

Eating Well as Food Prices Rise

Rising food prices are a significant cause of concern for 73 percent of consumers, according to a recent USA Today/Gallup poll. Tightening the food budget needn't mean sacrificing flavor or health, however. In fact, by stocking up on nutritious staples and an array of seasonings, it's possible to become more frugal while enhancing your family's meals.
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Video: Fashionable Beauty

From natural to bold, see the hottest makeup trends of the season. [ Fashionable Beauty   ]

Using Recycled Items In Your Crafts
It's amazing all the different things that can be recycled and used in your crafts. You can use stamps, beautiful letters and old wrapping paper for collages. Old newspapers can be used for paper maché. Even broken plates and tiles can be use for a mosaic. The possibilities are endless. [ read full story ]


Citrus Simmer Potpourri
by Pioneerthinking.com

3 cups water
2 oranges - sliced
5 dried bay leaves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons lemon juice - or 1 small lemon sliced
1 teaspoon whole cloves - about 12
1/2 tablespoon sugar
Put all ingredients into a small pot on the stove. Gently stir ingredients together. Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer.

Forum Question:  Is God Male or Female?

"Male and female created He them."  The language is gendered because Hebrew is a completely gendered language, with no neutral nouns or adjectives.  But "man" in this case is man in the archaic sense, in which it just means person--not specifically a male person. That suggests God is androgynous.   [ read more ]


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Karla Gae Pascua, Beverly Sugarman, Shawn Vincent, Kimberly Warr, T.M., Christopher Witecki, Harvey Mackay, AICR, Direct Answers.

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May your week be filled with life's beautiful offerings!

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