วันจันทร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2559

[Best Shoes for Girl Kids] [Best Shoes for Girl Kids] [Best Shoes for Girl Kids] [Best Shoes for Girl Kids] Keeping Deer Out of The Garden | Fragrances to Uplift The Spirit, Kale Tuna Salad and more

How to Keep Deer Out of The Garden

Well, the word has gotten out. The deer know you have started another buffet of green delicacies.  Word spreads fast in the forest and it won't be long before these uninvited guests will arrive at  your garden gate.  read more

Health Talk
Direct Answers
Just The Facts Ma'am
An estimated one third of male fish in British waters are changing sex due to pollution in human sewage.

"One person with passion is better than forty people merely interested."

~ E.M. Forster

more quotes at pioneerthinking.com/quotes

Featured Articles
12 Fragrances to Uplift The Spirit

Here are 12 scents to uplift the spirit and aid your intuition.

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Drink The Coffee, Use The Grounds

I enjoy coffee. I generally put the grounds into my composter where they will add nutrients to the compost, or I dig them directly into my garden soil for the same purpose. However, there are numerous other ways to use your spent coffee grounds
Baby Kale Tuna Salad with Wasabi Dressing

Baby kale is milder and more tender than its mature variety, making it perfect for raw salads like this one. Sweet onions and grape tomatoes add color and complex flavor pairings while tuna tops it off with a protein boost. Add the spicy, wasabi dressing just before serving and enjoy a healthy, light meal in the fresh spring air!
P.O. Box 46081, Ottawa, ON K1J 9M7, CANADA

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