วันพุธที่ 13 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2554

April 2011 - Issue 1

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 April 2011 - Issue 1

"Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more.."
~ Vincent Van Gogh
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Herbal Recipes From Gaia's Garden

One of my greatest joys is gathering herbs and flowers over the course of the summer to use fresh or to preserve by drying, infusing in oil, or tincturing. Though I can't prove it, I sense something special in herbs grown close to home that benefits us on an essential, vibratory level....read more

Recipe Box
Rice Salad with Mango and Black Beans - More and more, Americans have convenient choices when it comes to brown rice, thanks to what I call the rice revolution. ... Get recipe
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Mountain Rose Herbs. A Herbs, Health & Harmony Com
Reader's Tip
Shared by: Diane Morgan, St Joseph Mo.
To the reader looking for ideas for spinach.......we love spinach at our house....I buy organic baby spinach........saute garlic in olive oil, add fresh baby spinach and saute for just a few minutes, at this point I add butter and salt. Cook till wilted. Cook pasta till done, then add about 1/4 to 1/3 of the salted water fromthe pasta. I take a pasta fork and lift the pasta out and put it directly into the spinach, continue to do this till the pasta is all removed from the water. Angel hair works really well with this. Add your parm or romano. Delicious!!
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Health Talk - Health Q & A

Q: Is it true that it is more beneficial for older people to walk at a brisk pace than at a regular walking pace?

Q: Is it true that barramundi fish is high in omega-3 fat?

Direct Answers Column - Relationship Advice
Rest Of The Story
Harvey Mackay Column - Business Advice
Practice reciprocity without keeping score
shared Quotes
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships." - Michael Jordan (1963- )
Shared By: Jim Dakis
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- Ingredients for a Simple Life

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